Start collecting your documentation

paulaIn SEVEN WEEKS we will have a NEW PRESIDENT along with a whole new Cabinet members and other new people in very important positions, many who have the ability to have positive or negative influence/impact on the chronic pain community.

Hopefully, this new administration will take a different approach of enforcing the Americans with Disability Act and denial of care and those on Medicare/Medicaid/Medicare Advantage program that they will recognize similar denial and sub-par treatment of chronic pain pts.

Here is where you can file a complaint of ADA violations

Here is the website of Center Medicare/Medicaid Services ( 800-MEDICARE

Health and Human Services has a on line complaint form

Everyone needs to get motivated to file complaints/violations of existing laws/rules/regulations, once these new bureaucrats are in place. The bureaucrats are routinely told that there are some 100 + million chronic pain pts… when they only get a few dozen complaints… they will – most likely – ask “where is the problem” ??

There can’t be much of a problem… if only a few dozen people are being compromised enough to take action… THERE REALLY IS NO PROBLEM !!!

Our new President will be sworn in Jan 20,2017… which is a FRIDAY… you want change… you want to make a impact… flood their emails, faxes, Facebook, Twitter accounts and start filing complaints with the above agencies on Monday  Jan 23, 2017… as the new administration comes to power.

If the vast majority of chronic painers chose to do little/nothing at this point in time… the likelihood of things improving for the chronic pain community will be between SLIM and NONE !




7 Responses

  1. Good idea!

  2. I have my stack ready in a big plastic file bin. I’ve been waiting for this — I want to hit them with every detail, every unfair practice, every denial, every receipt, etc. of my own, then add everything that disabled people and pained people got royally screwed on! I will tell them how many groups on Facebook alone are active and how many are just complainers and meme-posters. I will tell them why our cries didn’t work and will talk about convoluted and watered-down efforts that stood for nothing and true, sincere hard-at-work efforts that should have been recognized. I will tell them the history of my personal research (not my story, my work, over the past two years). My motor is running, Mr. President Elect. Don’t disappoint us.

    • I have recently started getting my stuff notarized,,,that seal on their will also help to let then know we have always meant business,,but again,,IF,, we ever get a lawyer who has the ——-…to go after thee united states government,,,,it is now in legal form,,,,whether they like it or not,,,,,and they choosed to not act on torture and genocide onto their own citizens,,just a fyi,,,maryw

  3. I too will do my share and flood them every day. We need a huge amount of pain pts to come forward and do thier share , it seems like i always see the same people posting what they’ve done, Each support group has thousands of people, these ppl need to speak up and stop relying on someone else to do it.

    • Miss Pam,,,AWESOME TO SEE YOUR STILL ALIVE,SERIOUSLY,,, I thought maybe it just got tooo much 4 u to endure,,,,any idea how to download that entire petition into an attachable folder???the downloads are going 1 page at a time,,at this rate,,ill be here till my death,,,Is there only sooo many download u can save, or send per each email and computer?????sorry complete idiot when it come to computers,,,I know now u cannot have a digital file or stick,,notarized legally as a legal document it has to be thee actual paper copies,,,that sucks,,,There is another reason to send these government agency’s everything,,,it will be proof,,,that they were made aware of this torture and genocide and they choosed to do nothing,,,,,,m

  4. Thank u,,just,,fyi,,15,000 letter so far to senators,,but I plane on sendiong all 15,000 from the petition to congress to each email u have just posted,,,THANK U,,MARYW

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