State Pain Advocacy Groups have been setup on Facebook

State groups have been setup on Facebook in order to help organize letter writing campaigns, meetings, picketing and the like.  If we don’t know where intractable pain patients (IPPs) reside, we can’t target members of the DEA Oversight Subcommittees, Health Care committees, etc.  There is anti opioid legislation pending and/or passed in many states and IPPs are needed to attend these meetings, create letter writing campaigns and meet with legislators.

Unfortunately, many policy makers will disregard correspondence from out of district or out of state.  That doesn’t mean to not write, it just means it’s important to target those who have the power to make decisions that directly affect us.  These state groups were created with the intent to work with ALL groups, organizations and foundations that have a stake in the pain issue.  We need help in every state getting contact information posted and the groups up to speed.  Please join:  your state and ‘Pain Advocacy Group’.  Until we organize, we are divided and will not be heard.

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