Stolen Insurance info, forged Rxs, fake driver’s license ?

Woman Charged with Rx Fraud for Oxycodone Pills

From the article:

The Queen Anne’s County sheriff’s office says 38-year-old Tina Marie Karasek has been charged with nearly 380 counts including possession of Oxycodone with intent to distribute.

Authorities say Karasek is employed in the medical billing field and handled billing for multiple doctors’ offices. Authorities say she used patient information to forge prescriptions that were filled at pharmacies around Maryland.

The Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Office says Karasek is currently on probation in Wyoming in connection with a previous prescription theft scheme. She is being held on $200,000 bond.

This article didn’t state this.. but.. why would a person steal a pt’s information .. unless they could also get the pt’s PBM information.. so that they would get rid of the “red flag” of CASH and just have to pay copays. Also they would have had to have some sort of fake ID’s to match up with the insurance information.

If they used fake driver’s license… if the Pharmacist had access to the state’s on line BMV data base… they would have found that the licenses were fake/forged and all of these opiates would not have gotten to the street. Crooks using 21st century technology.. while we are stuck in a 20th century mindset.

One Response

  1. I don’t think we want to become detectives or cops. We have enough to do in the pharmacy as it is. I think a reasonable effort to assure we have the right patient is enough. Lets leave the rest to law enforcement. As law enforcement becomes more sophisticated, so will the criminals. It is like the war on drugs which has become ‘whack a mole’. You whack a mole here and another one pops up somewhere else. Lets face it…we don’t live in a perfect society and we never will. The more law enforcement the more us law abiding citizens will be inconvenienced.

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