Suicide: does not discriminate… knows no age, gender, sex, race

ONE MILLION ATTEMPTS and 50,000 SUCCESSFUL SUICIDES every year.. including 8,000 veterans. Does this suggest that mental health issues are rampant within our society.. rather it is untreated mental health issues, bullying, desperation from untreated chronic pain.. no matter the motivation… who believes that 50,000 suicides is NOT A EPIDEMIC ?

This showed up on another FB page today:

Today we bury a Young Marine. She took her own life at the age of 12 years old for being bullied. Still a child, with the potential to do so much good for her future and ours. We HAVE to care. And it starts with you and me. What are we doing wrong as a country when a 12 year old decides to end their life when they should be worried about a what size bat to use for little league, or what time ballet practice is?
So suicide is the number one silent killer of good people! So if it’s a killer, it should be a big concern. But it’s not!!! That said, September is Suicide Prevention month . If I don’t see your name, I’ll understand. May I ask my family and friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy and paste this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all of those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just needs to know that someone cares? Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my family and friends just for moral support. I did it for a friend and you can too. Please copy and paste this message.

9 Responses

  1. U know last year I called the suicide prevention hotline for a veteran that did stop his chronic physical pain from a war injury with self euthinization via a gun,,after his pain medicine was forcible taken from him,,,before I could get back to him,,,First off,,its a automated recording when u call,,,2nd it put me on hold for over 20 minutes,,which after that I hung up,,,never speaking to a actual person,,,,sorry but that suicide hotline a year ago was a joke,,,mary

  2. What can be done to stop those in chronic pain from taking their life when they’ve been reduced to a failure such as I feel. I’ve dedicated my life as an RN who happened to get a chronic illness and functioned on opioids. Now I’m unemployed due to being cut to the point of no one cares whether I work, function, sleep, eat or breath. All due to CDC guidelines for PCP’s yet pain doctors are following them. Therefore, without warning we’re now a one income family after I suffered 11 days of withdrawal due to being lowered a lot. I’m not functioning as a wife, grandmother, employed & can barely care for myself while my husband travels for work as I used to do. Why must we with chronic illness for which opioids isn’t all I take or did suffer because of those who they know obtained our medication illegally? Even my spouse wonders should I file suit now or wait until I’m gone when my illness gets the best of me? It’s not that I’ll commit suicide but, the opioids kept my illness away, yet today I spent 5 grueling hours at the hospital for testing as now my MS is secondary relapsing and was under control for over 15 years. All because they lowered my opioids I was on yet, I take NSAID’s that make my stomach bleed & was able to be productive at a level 4-5/10 now I’m nothing. Thank God I’ve a spouse who understands & is angry for what they’ve done to me. See I’ve also DDD in my entire spine for which I’ve had 2 surgeries and now face 2 more & wear a thoracic brace to avoid the thoracic spinal fusions. I’ve had TOS surgery bilaterally in 2001 which I’d not wish on my worse enemy & had numerous injections this year alone. Followed my pain contract yet it doesn’t seem to matter as Heroin is an opioid and those that are dying from it were included in the CDC reports. I’ve also a letter from the CDC director Debra Houry, MD, MPH that states ” it wasn’t meant for pain specialist, not law, only guidelines, not meant to take away our legally obtained opioids & yet they’ve done it anyway. Seems even our pain docs haven’t read the entire 52 pages of the CDC guidelines but even the one guideline states “only to reduce, taper then stop when harm outweighs the benefits”. Yet, no pain doctor will touch you as they all feel the same. Where’s our rights to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness? Where’s our doctors rights to diagnose & treat when they know our conditions – especially with documentation? They spent so much time & money in med school yet, they fear the DEA as the CDC is now practicing medicine without a license. Isn’t this illegal to do? Where’s the study o alcohol deaths & smoking that kills more than our legally prescribed opioids do? Where’s the attorneys to protect us & our doctors? Where did everyone go that won’t stand up and fight for our rights as they do for the right to have a firearm? Well I’m here and I’m fighting until my last breath for myself & everyone else who can’t fight for themselves, where is anyone that’s willing to fight with me? Everyone talks about it when I warned them it was coming their way but some have doctors who aren’t afraid & still get yet, most have been abandoned without even being weaned as the Rx states, like myself. I’m still getting but no where in any guidelines do I see 2 LA & 4 IR’s a day, am I missing something? Help me understand as I’m making a trip to DC to fight who’s with me?

    • Im w/u,,,mary

      • Mary, are you able to attend the rally? Look me up on Facebook at & send a PM that you’re from pharmacist Steve website as I always verify. If no Facebook, please email me & title your email – rally against pain & I’ll be sure to get it. The rally against pain is on 10/22/16 10-5pm is on my page & you just need to sign up. I’m attending a seminar with pm docs from Florida – Mass in DC & would love to have a letter from you. The docs want to know how to thrive in business of pain, the Washington Post & other newspapers & attorneys will be present and we aim to inform them. Two are registered as healthcare professionals, such as I & we’ve appts set up with elected officials during the 1st week of October. This needs to get out to the press & all concerned including our elected & all that wish to be elected. If you’re under able to attend rally, letters are being taken & ALL will be read out loud. A location right across from the White House has now been secured. There will be seating with tents & physicians are scheduled to speak as well. We’d love to have Pharmacist Steve & many providers if available. We’re attempting to get as many emails out as I type this.

  3. We say we are desperate to prevent suicide, yet we continue to allow chronic pain patients to be a bandit leading to the very preventable suicides
    This is truly insanity

  4. Most of the doctors are so cruel to chronic pain patients. Hospitals should be in court . They are so ugly when they talk to you about , We don’t help people with chronic pain. They collect their six thousand dollars an send you home is pain and tears. Doctors tell you I have a right not to treat you…..oh ya after going to you for ten years and being helped for pain.
    I just called a Palliative doctors offices. I reached one office , in Washington state, Olympi, WA. The whole staff was so kind to me. They knew what I felt. This is the first time I have been treated this kind about my chronic pain.
    Oh yes I want to thank that Old Silver Fox, the pain whisper Steve pharmacist giving me the information that helped me. You have helped me so much.
    Thank you

    • I could not have said it any better. Cruelty is an understatement. Hospitals, doctors, law enforcement, & the whole shooting match need to be in court with results that will stick for a better outcome in the name of chronic pain patients. It is outright stupidity to keep denying pain patients care when the tables could very easily be turned within the blink of an eye. WAKE up! Would you want your loved one treated this way if the shoe was on the other foot? Think about it, America!

  5. So sad- so tragic

  6. jmo,,,humanity is no monger concerned w/being humane towards their fellow mankind,,,,,,”if it does happen to me,,i don’t care ,”attitude,,will eventually bring this country down,,jmo,,mary

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