In ancient Greece, Socrates had a great reputation for wisdom. One day someone came to meet the great philosopher and said:
– Do you know what I just heard about your friend?
– One moment –Socrates answered– before you tell me, I would like to make you a test of the three sieves.
– The three sieves?
– Yes – continued Socrates – before telling anything about the others, it is good to take the time to filter what you want to say.
I call it the three-sieve test. The first sieve is the truth. Have you checked if what you are going to tell me is true?
– No, I just heard it.
– Very well. So you don’t know if it’s true. We continue with the second sieve, that of goodness. What you want to tell me about my friend, is it a good thing?
– Oh no! On the contrary.
So,Socrates questioned, “you want to tell me bad things about him and you’re not even sure they’re true?”
Perhaps you can still pass the test of the third sieve of usefulness. Is it useful for me to know what you are going to tell me about this friend?
– Nope.
– So – concluded Socrates – what you were going to tell me is neither true, nor good, nor useful so why did you want to tell me?
Let’s improve our individual life for good and society will change too.

Lauren Deluca
Executive Director, Chronic Illness Advocacy & Awareness Group a NonProfit Org.
Filed under: General Problems
JMO,,,Speaking as a pain patient,truth is very important,,just as important as purity of motive,,I cannot say the statement,”always been kind to me,” on this 1,,w/absolutely no provocation don’t even know the women.,and if it has happen to me,i am sure it has happen to others.”,,Its about truthful results,….again,,,purity of motive MATTERS, when dealing w/these people hell bent on literally killing us,,FOR PEOPLE ARE TRULY DIEING OUR HERE,,
I’ve always appreciated the work CIAAG has done for the chronic pain community and hate all they’ve been through. Although I won’t download TicTok on my phone, I watch videos others have posted. Lauren and Shasta have always been kind to me and I’ve never heard them say anything but the truth about what they’re doing to us. Thanks to the ACA, it’s “legal.” I don’t know how the democrats’ latest monstrosity has “expanded the ACA” but I know it’s not going to be good for us. Nothing they pass ever is. When will especially CPPS make the connection? The government is NOT your friend and have proven they don’t care about us. It’s sad that one “advocate” goes after others! It tells me that she’s extremely jealous of CIAAG and their worldwide reach when it appears she’s dropping followers like crazy. I THINK she had over 100k at one time and now she’s down to about 30k! People are figuring her out. Any “advocate” that sells “MERCH” loses all credibility. That’s what YouTube creators do to make money! Also, APDF IS actually helping people, most recently CHILDREN, get pain relief. I’ve never heard CIAAG ask for money or sell merch. We can become members at different levels but they travel on behalf of ALL of us and need financial support, as does APDF. I have the utmost respect for them all and have found solace there (CIAAG) when I check out any group. No backstabbing, only a bunch of people suffering for no good reason but government overreach. Yesterday I saw a conversation that blew me away and proved she’s not helping anyone but causing a lot of problems. I’m still in the group but scroll past the notifications because I get outside as much as I can before the dreaded winter and not on Fakebook. I’m surprised she still has anyone from the beginning of her reign over the chronic pain community.
Not to be political here but voting for democrats is voting for our demise, personally and for our country. One of our “advocates” that’s now a medical marijuana Doc, blocked me years ago for my beliefs and because he thought I was a republican. (I’m politically homeless because “both” parties suck and DON’T represent US, so I’m Independent.) Not a very good advocate when THAT determines who he’ll talk to or not, but pretty damned petty and childish imho. I’m NOT talking about President Trump (since many people can’t get him out of their minds) but several Republicans in the House tried to stop it before it was shoved down our throats, knowing what would happen, that DID happen. My D senator has sent some very discouraging responses about this so I’m sure they all feel the same since they all voted for it and had to know the outcome since it had been discussed. I’m not a Republican but at least they’re not out to destroy the country and most aren’t FOR the WEF agenda. ALL D’s ARE.
Pay serious attention to who you vote for in November. The democrats MUST lose both chambers for us to have a chance. The president before Trump is FOR depopulation and the WEF agenda. I’ve got a video of him saying as much but can’t post it here. It got me 30 days in Fakebook jail so it’s true. It’s HIM speaking in HIS voice. He’s got much to do with our torture and many democrats just LOVE him. Please don’t vote if you don’t know the candidates’ HISTORY and not just public facade. NOBODY knows his, since he put everything under seal.
We’re all just trying to get our meds back but I don’t see it happening any time soon. They never go back on a “win,” and torturing and killing as many Americans as possible has been successful for them. So many have died from illicit fentanyl poisonings but the border is still wide open. I’m sure some “news” says it’s not; those are the ones you need to stop watching. I got off topic a bit but if they don’t lose all of congress, we’ll never have a chance. They began our torture…
feel free to post the video that you mentioned… this blog is MINE … I OWN THIS DOMAIN…
I might actually use TikTok for that. I adore Lauren and Shasta, although I’m aware that Shasta has stepped down, theyre both fantastic ladies whom I have a ton of respect for. I would love to see what Lauren has to say, thank you for sharing this, Steve.