Tell your story abt being harmed by CDC opiate guidelines…

Calling all chronic pain warriors who have been hurt by the CDC’s guidelines for PCP’s. Many states are making laws & our pain management practices are doing us harm. Please send your stories to I’m meeting with representatives on 2/28 & leaving 2/27 for hotel. I’m asking for personal stories from all who’ve been affected including your friends, significant other & all who have been affected. Please title it “CHRONIC PAIN STORY.” We must be heard & this is the time to have our voices heard. Thank you

6 Responses

  1. It seems like all the pain management doctors are being told they can’t say why they are adhering to these guidelines. Well informed one can say for sure why at least a couple are. This is because they have taken up other work, because they are doctors that knew what was coming. That if they stuck around, they would have to see their patients in pain and reducing proven therapies or risk harassment and possibly loosing their liscenses.
    I have kidney disease, stage 4 endometriosis with reccurant cysts and mucosinal cystadenoma that are benign. They are painful to put it lightly. I have been on a regimine of opiates that have been working for years. In fact, I voluntarily asked to reduce my pain meds to get to the amount I’m on now. And now I’m being told that this regimen that has worked for nearly a decade and allowed me to have a somewhat nor all life including family, work and volunteering (and even some days where I almost forget I have pain every waking second of my life), is going to have to be reduced. When I got upset and called the CDC guidelines ridiculous, the doctor said “no, thats not the only reason…” And when I asked about these just being “guidelines”, I was told I wouldn’t understand the implications. These people at the CDC should not have put their noses in a place they didn’t belong. These people that came up with these “guidelines” aren’t even mostly doctors. I have never wishes my condition on even my worst enemy but I’d really wish those that decided thia, that they could walk a week in my body, on a reduced amount of pain meds (or even with the lidocaine and physical therapy they seem to think will help) and see if this doesn’t put them in a hospital within 24 hours. We are not out here getting high on these meds. These are meds that these same pain management doctors put us on and are now taking away because of a group who believes they know best. Stick with pathogens and diseases CDC – let the pain management doctors decide for their own Patients without thinly veiled threats.

  2. While my pain management doctor doesn’t talk about the guidelines, I know full well that his hands are tied to give me the level of opioid medicine I need to live a more normal life. He has tried every alternative he can think of, and so have I. All have failed. Opioids are the ONLY source in medicine that can help me. I take them, but the strength is not enough.

    I have RA, ME/CFS, Lupus, Raynaud’s, Migraine, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Stenosis/spine, and severe disk/bone degeneration of the spine. I do every possible thing to keep moving and wear the one and only Medicare-approved back brace there is. (That, in itself is another tragedy, as not everyone can benefit from the very same back brace.)

    I have a service dog and walk her on a short path three or four times a day, which is good exercise for me. When I can’t do that, I have to find a neighbor to help. That’s not easy in a senior retirement community where many people have health conditions. Of course, my disability income doesn’t lend itself to hiring help.

    We — all of us patients — have to live in a way that would NOT have to be if the CDC’s “guidelines” hadn’t been written with blatant and sickening conflicts of interest and if it hadn’t scared so many doctors, and changed so many counties and states, that it virtually has become law.

    I am in a wheelchair if I have to go further than three blocks (I wouldn’t get back), and if in a painful state, cannot walk that far, and if I have a bad flare, cannot walk at all. My PM doctor is frustrated, as he tries to help his many patients. He is a highly-regarded anesthesiologist, pain management specialist, surgeon and psychiatrist. His decisions should not be altered by people who don’t treat patients and who don’t live in this much pain. We live sad lives — especially those of us without partners nor help and support of any kind. I could be doing more, be more of a contribution to my city, state, country, and I could be happy with just a mere 60 percent of pain relief, which is what is expected in my condition with my medication, but I can’t reach that level.

    While our hands are tied and so are our medical professionals’, we continue to grow older, missing out on fair and deserved ways of living, being denied the pursuit of happiness, the fair treatment of pain and being those who are stigmatized by even our closest family members. We are not drug addicts, we are not lesser persons in society, yet we are treated so. We had careers that in many cases go far beyond those who wrote these “laws.” So now what do these “professionals” think of us? We are not worthy of a life like theirs? We are to be punished for having gotten sick or in accidents? We are to be categorized and put in our places? That’s how it feels; that’s just a part of how this life feels to me.

    • I feel for you. This is terrible for all of us pain patients. Chronic pain is an illness and it should be addressed as one..

      • jmo,,it should be treated w/truth,,,respecting America’s once Founding fathers doctrine that we are ADULTS,,,FREE ADULTS,,,and as free adults,,,,we should have the god given rite to treat our bodies under medical care as WE SEE FIT,,not AS Dr.Government,SEE’S FIT,,,,,and truth of BASIC humanity should of guided this,,,,NOT,, REVENGE of parents who sadly lost children,,or ADULTS,,if they lost ADULTS,,,, parents should of RESPECTED the ways of the past that worked for over 200 years,,,that as ADULTS,,,U R RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN BODIES,,,AT ANY POINT WE ALL CAN SAY ,”NO”’ I DO NOT WISH TO TAKE THAT MEDICINE,,OR NO DOCTORS,,,THAT MEDICINE IS NOT WORKING FOR ME,,AND THEN AS RESPONSIBLE ADULTS,,,THROW AWAY THAT MEDICINE,,,but instead,,,parents of ADULT offspring went after OUR DOCTORS,, and the torture onto the medically ill strated,,,,then the genocide,,onto all of us,,Parents of the days of old,,,would of actually blamed their ADULT OFFSPRING,, for abusing their medicine,,,NOT,,, the doctors who were just trying to lessen someone physical suffering,,,Now the courts have jump in,,and completely ignored ,”informed consent,” that ALLLL OF US ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR,,,,,NOPE,,NOW A DAYS,,,,PARENTS BLAME OUR DOCTORS ,,OR OUR MEDICINES,,,FOR THEIR ADULT OFFSPRINGS INABILITY TO BEHAVE LIKE RESPONSIBLE ADULTS,,,,,,THUS,,,,,WE ARE ALLLLL PAYING FOR THEIR REVENGE BY FORCED ENDUREMENT OF PHYSICAL PAIN,IE TORTURE,,AND THEN,,, WHEN WE CAN NO-LONGER FORCIBLE ENDURE SEVERE PHYSICAL PAIN,,WE CHOOSE TO LEAVE THE BODY THAT IS IN FORCED PHYSICAL PAIN,,AND THEE ONLY WAY TO LEAVE OUR BODIES,,,IS THRU DEATH,,,,but our deaths,,,mean NOTHING,, to these parents,,,as long as they got the doctor fired or worse,,as long as they restricted our acces to needed medicines,,as long as their REVENGE has fulfilled,,,no matter,,,,we are dieing because of it,,,or in torture because of it ,,,maryw

  3. To Sherry,,,,I am strongly,,strongly,,,recommending,,you go to that ”Petition To Congress,Do No Harm,Dea Targets Physicians,”’,,,,THERE ARE 34,000 LETTERS ALREADY SENT TO EACH SENATOR OF EACH PERSONS STATE,,,,THERE STORIES ARE HEART BREAKING,,I COPIED 6,0000 OF THEM,,AND MAILED THEM TO GENEVA,,,TO PROVE THE HARM THEY HAVE DONE,,,JM,O,,,COPY THOSE LETTERS ON PETITION TO CONGRESS DO NO HARM,,,,,,,and thank u,,for trying too,,,mary

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