Biden revises Title IX 
protections for pregnancy,trans people and assault victims
The Biden administration has finalized new Title IX regulations that codify protections for transgender people, as well as enhance protections for victims of sexual assault or harassment and pregnant people.
“For more than 50 years, Title IX has promised an equal opportunity to learn and thrive in our nation’s schools free from sex discrimination,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona in a statement on the revision. “These final regulations build on the legacy of Title IX by clarifying that all our nation’s students can access schools that are safe, welcoming, and respect their rights.”
The new regulations officially add “gender identity” onto the list of protections from sex-based discrimination for the first time, though the administration said it has already been applying this standard.
A decision on the administration’s proposed Title IX rule that would prohibit a blanket ban on transgender athletes from participating on teams aligned with their gender identity was not included in today’s announcement. That process is still ongoing, according to a senior administration official.
The Title IX update also now offers full protection from all “sex-based harassment,” broadening the definition to include “sexual violence and unwelcome sex-based conduct that creates a hostile environment by limiting or denying a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from a school’s education program or activity.”
These changes roll back the narrowed definitions of sexual harassment implemented by former President Donald Trump’s Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
The regulations update also enhances protections for students, employees, and applicants against discrimination “based on pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, related medical conditions, or recovery from these conditions.”
The final regulations, which take effect Aug. 1, also require increased accountability for schools in promptly responding to information about misconduct based on sex discrimination, according to the Biden administration.
Schools will be required to train employees “about the school’s obligation to address sex discrimination, as well as employees’ obligations to notify or provide contact information for the Title IX Coordinator” and strengthen requirements for schools conducting “reliable and impartial” investigations of all complaints.
“These regulations make crystal clear that everyone can access schools that are safe, welcoming, and that respect their rights,” Cardona said.
The original Title IX law was < 100 WORDS. This new proposed change is > 1000 PAGES. It seems that no matter if a person has Chromosomes “XX” or “XY” historically the determination of the “sex” of a human. If this becomes law, each individual can arbitrarily decide which “sex” they identify as.
Filed under: General Problems
I love your blog for the medical/ insurance/ medications/ Govt interference discussions, but this topic has nothing to do with any of that.
We get enough of the political/ racial/ religious/ sexual identify: bullying rhetoric already.
It’s your blog, you can post what you wish, but we really get enough of these divisive topics already.
I would surmise most readers have already made up their minds about transgender or NBie people anyway.
This type of post doesn’t seem in line with the focus of your blog. “Just my Opinion”.
What does this have to do with medications/ pain /insurance/ pharmacies/ Govt entities controlling our healthcare ?
Thought your blog was about healthcare, not politically divisive issues.
That said, no one should be bullied for the way they present themselves, whether religious, sexual identity, political ideals, appearance, race, sex.
Sports are a different topic however. Someone born male should not be able to participate in female sports, they have an advantage simply due to genetics.
I’m referring to sports such as wrestling. A recent case comes to mind where a athlete born male who identifies as female was winning every match against female wrestlers.
I don’t have any problem with a person born female as a kicker on a football team, or visa versa. Some sports it wouldn’t matter if the participant were male or female.
But sports requiring strength…boxing, contact football positions, swimming…the trans athletes would seem to me to have an advantage.
Maybe a separate blog for issues not related to medical topics would be more appropriate.
It’s your blog, but most of us are on here to read your information about healthcare, (which is excellent and appreciated).
The hot topic issues can be argued about on Facebook,
people love to bicker on that platform.
Chromosomes determine the sex of an individual.. “XX” has historically > 100 yrs is a female, “XY” is a male.
you mentioned: I’m referring to sports such as wrestling. A recent case comes to mind where a athlete born male who identifies as female was winning every match against female wrestlers.
then there this little jewel: Female High-School Volleyball Athlete Suffers Serious Head Injury after Transgender Player Spikes ‘Abnormally Fast’ Ball
Standard Volleyball Net Heights: Rules, Regulations, and More Net height is abt 7″ lower for females as compared to males.
Then there are those “females” like Lia Thomas Trans swimmer Lia Thomas wins 4 races at Ivy championships, heads to NCAA finals I couldn’t find it, but remember “she” winning one race by a WHOLE LAP.
How many females are going to get hurt, suffer some permanent bodily damage, loose some scholarship, or experience some mental health issues because some people will do just about anything TO WIN, and some females who have been training for years or decade or longer and their chance of winning gets “trashed” by some “male” that they had an epiphany – in their teenage years or early 20’s – that they are really a “female”. I am glad to be a “girl Dad” and our Daughter’s best/biggest talent is her intelligence and her “sport” in HS was playing flute in marching band – which won several awards at state competition and held 2nd chair in the HS orchestra.
I can only imagine what they are going to “stuffed” into a >1000 PAGES -Title IX to replace a Title IX law which was < 100 WORDS. IMO.. this parallels the issue that the chronic pain community is dealing with.. support - help addicts to get sober while denying chronic pain pts their necessary medication/therapy. Help those with mental health issues and treat those with real health issues as second class citizens