Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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I won’t mention how many times I have debated which is worse-suicide vs the discrimination, the pain, the refusal to fill game, being made fun of by health-care workers and pharmacy staff and being almost household. So for now I am here but won’t be if life gets worse. Not asking for pity, just perhaps being treated as human.
How do we stop this before suicides are through the roof by persons in pain, due to no other fault than working very hard their whole life or death in persons having major surgery and denied post-op medications? Have the “authorities” forgotten the high numbers of surgery deaths in olden days when all they used was alcohol? I am seriously believing this is planned genocide by the “great” United States of America,” that so strongly condemns genocide in other countries.
Sickening, literally, and you won’t catch me near a hospital, I will do suicide first if the illness requiring surgery lingers too long & too painful. I am also reducing all pain killers to 0 that I’ve needed for a twisted up mess of a spine & if I can’t take it, suicide. There is no other choice anymore.
This seems to be happening all over. Tennessee started the monthly narcotics sheet several years ago to keep people from filling their prescriptions more than 30 days early or from multiple providers during that time. They then took a decent tool and screwed it up. Only pharmacies and state employees could input. First each person was given a score depending on the amount of medication. Then the score was upped if more than one pharmacy was used. In my case it didn’t matter that the CVS refused to fill or order so I went elsewhere raising my numbers. Then because I have no control over the nurse practitioner that walks in I am shown as different providers although with a second look they were all at the same clinic,address, phone number. But my numbers go up. Then 6 months ago the clinic I was referred to sold our records/practice to a new doctor. Not my choice but again my score goes up. No where on this sheet that only pharmacies and state employees can input is a place for explanations or diagnosis. Patients are not to see this sheet but the receptionist of the closing clinic gave me mine. Police can pull up medication for some reason. Tennessee has stated that the top prescribing doctors and top pharmacies will be evaluated each month. All on the web so you know I am not making this up. I have heard of doctors deciding what patients to see based on this. And then why do they need patrolmen to see this sheet? I almost feel sorry for being in pain.
Thank you so much for posting this. I usually don’t watch videos this long, but this needed to be watched. Especially with a husband as a doctor, and me and my daughter who suffer with pain. I hurt for these doctors. I cried as I watched educated, decent human beings who devoted their lives to helping others end up as criminals. My heart breaks once again today for the tragic events that are taking place in a country that I just can’t consider to be so great anymore. I hope for change every minute of every day. ♡
I am so sorry to hear that. When you answer to God you will be Blessed for saving a life. Because even if don’t commit suicide finally from CP they have no life. Thank you for caring and being brave enough to try. Love Terri
CAn you give a few quotes?
I am outta time.
My hearing starts Wednesday