Filed under: Dumb politicians, General dumb-ass problems, Medication withdrawal
THE GENERAL HAS SPOKEN: Former USAG Jeffererson Beauregard Session Knows Best for Your Chronic Pain: SUFFER!!!!
Posted on September 11, 2023 by Norman Clement
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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I will gladly give my pain to these idiots.
I understand the desperation of patients taking their own lives. Unless you can live in a patients body & feel the level of pain they live with everyday you don’t have the right/privilege to even make a comment about how they can find some relief ‼️
Justifying,,torture in the healthcare setting,,,but truth dictates,,,we do have true medical conditions,,a fact they always NEVER look into or mention,,ever,,caues of their own PERSONAL PREJUDICE,, of a medicine named opiates,,,and kolodny relied on that prejudice,,,jmo,maryw
All anyone should need to know, im case they’re blissfully unaware of this monumental debacle somehow, is that these people (including, but not limited to, Sessions) claim to be fighting against alleged “bad actor” physicians in the name of the “cost of human lives”, while simultaneously ignoring the actual cost of human lives as it relates to pain patients. If that’s not enough of an eye opener, I guess I don’t know what would be since that fairly well sums it all up. In fact, it should highlight all the endless inferences that should in turn prompt questions which demand answers. Perhaps it would, have, if they hadn’t pulled out all of the stops when it came to propagandizing the crisis, as they tell it.