The CDC is winning, my friends! And why is that? Monetary payoffs — especially to hospitals to NOT prescribe necessary pain medications!!

I for one, know of this first hand! ! I just got a 7 level neck/thoracic fusion surgery yesterday & by last night the hospital ABSOLUTELY REFUSED TO TREAT ME PROPERLY WITH THE OPIATE RELATED MEDICATIONS I SO DESPERATELY NEEDED. It was the worst night of my life. If we don’t fight back, stand up, and let our voices be heard — we ARE going to lose this battle!

If you are in chronic pain, you MUST LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! Video Your Pain today! Don’t let the government win this fight! It is totally inhumane. We have to make them care! Videos ARE effective!

5 Responses

  1. I had a similar experience three years ago when I was hospitalized for tongue cancer. I was already taking high-dose opioids but the hospital kept shorting me on my pain meds. Fortunately, my wife stayed with me and even called my pain doc and things got some better. I stayed in agonizing pain until they finally gave me a fentanyl drip!

  2. Congress needs to see this Video!! See what theyrth causing !! My GOD doesn’t anyone have a HEART in this country? This Government is TORTURING PEOPLE!

  3. Basically an accountant and they that own them have become our “doctors”. There are many exceptions but it goes without saying that they are more embattled with this crime than we are.

  4. Because I refused cardiac cath at that precise moment in the ER one day (turns out I have some form of mass fluid retention by the heart, not pneumonia) and voiced my opinion (just for laughs) that it is the failure to treat my severe pain as before that causes the immobility AND this ‘heart’ issue. It came out on the ‘Report’ that I ‘refused admmitance unless I got opiates.’ No kidding.

  5. This is horrendous! They are doing an experiment on people. We don’t know what impact this will have on people’s ability to heal, or if this could contribute to an increase in chronic pain. We do not know enough about pain and why people get chronic pain to be taking this direction arbitrarily.

    People are being ignored and abused. It is unethical and inhumane! Harm is obviously being done. UTTERLY BARBARIC.

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