The Manufacturer of PROZAC (ELI LILLY) … must be so PROUD !

Carrie Fisher’s Urn Is Her “Prized Possession” Antique Prozac Pill

I wonder where she got that “Prozac pill” in the 50’s… since Prozac was not brought to market until 1987 ?

The family will plan a public memorial for Fisher and mother Debbie Reynolds in the future.

Carrie Fisher was always making people crack a smile in life, and she made sure she got just one more out of them in death.

It was revealed on Friday that Fisher’s ashes were placed in a gigantic Prozac-pill urn.

“It was a porcelain antique Prozac pill from the ’50s that was one of Carrie’s prized possessions,” Todd, Fisher’s brother, told The Hollywood Reporter.

Fisher died after suffering a heart attack late last month. She was 60. Her mother, the iconic starlet Reynolds, died a day later. She was 84.

Fisher was honest and open about her battles with drugs and mental illness throughout her career. She also had a kooky sense of humor, so it makes sense the Princess Leia actress would want her urn to resemble an antidepressant pill.

A private gathering for friends and family was held in Beverly Hills on Thursday. Meryl Streep was among those in attendance.

Todd Fisher has said the family will plan a public memorial for the two actresses in the future.

6 Responses

  1. Thanks, this seems like an eternity.

  2. Most of my life was filled with trauma, low sense of worth and shame. I had tried almost everything to find-out where I fit-in, and what my purpose was. Years of trying antidepressants, different therapy modalities, and locations didn’t help. At 42, I was diagnosed with ADHD, and after trying a different version, it changed my life. Instead of being called stupid and a space-cadet, I could finally focus and sustain my attention to finish sentences, be creative, and gain self trust. Being diagnosed and appropriately treated changed my life, and my health for 12 years, up until Obama’s “healthcare” REFORM and resulting “shortages”
    Having co-occurring diagnoses, ADHD and chronic legitimate pain, the inauthentic and misrepresented “ADHD” meds, have done nothing but fill my brain with Heavy Metals. The inauthentic and misrepresented “Oxycodones”, have harmful side-effects of their own, [one “version” nearly gave me an aneurysm after 1 pill. I have tried 5 oxycodones. It’s beyond comprehension to pray to God that one part of the “oxycodone” will help w/o hurting me.
    I have written the NYS Commissioner of Mental Health regarding the 4 medication-related primary doctor visits; I have called Human Rights Watch, Filed Quality Control reports with the manufacturer in NJ.
    When one group of people are “Targeted”, it gives others permission to perpetuate the ABUSE, RIGHTS-VIOLATIONS, of those most vulnerable.
    It is not acceptable, justifiable, or LEGAL & ETHICAL to TARGET, TORTURE, and DESTROY people. I am not a Robot, Zombie, or Thing to be Experimented-on.
    Before I leave this earth, and if at all possible, I want EVERYONE to know the truth about what is happening.
    I have been in bed for over 1 year, am growing more hopeless and becoming someone I never imagined myself to be. But this is the issue, With SO MANY “professional” people-from pharmacists, Insurance Cos, Politicians, COMMUNICATION-CORPORATIONS, PSYCHOPATHIC Players acting as constituents, DE-REG, and RE-REG, [all paid for with the blood, sweat, pain, and tears of Tax Payers, and special-interest non-profits.
    I Forgot To Mention That I Also Have Complex PTSD. It’s on the Agenda in Congress in N.Y. I find it sickening-that those “trusted & “elected” officials, have insulated themselves to the likes of a “pope-Mobile”.
    Most people are unaware of many truths, because they are not TRANSPARENT.
    We Need A Revolution-NOW, ASAP !
    Sorry for the rant; I don’t know what else to do.
    Please help, inform, inspire, exchange thoughts, ideas, imagination, strength, community.

  3. I was put on Prozac within a year of its release after a very traumatic hysterectomy and it literally saved my life. I think I took it for about two years but there came a point where I didn’t feel that Prozac or therapy were doing anything and quit both. There hasn’t been a moment since then that I needed either one. I know Prozac got some bad press but I thank my lucky stars I had it at the right time! I think too many people are put on an antidepressant and kept on them long after they are needed. As helpful as it was for me I think I’d pass on using a giant ceramic pill for an urn LOL.
    My heart goes out to the families of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. To lose two loved ones back to back must be the worst!

  4. That’s a good sense of humor! I guess I want to announce that having had depression since I was a kid, I was put on Prozac very soon after its release. But I waited to take it until I read the big book about it that was so famous. It may have just been called “Prozac”, but I don’t remember. A year ago I weaned myself off of it and found there was no depression. In fact, I felt a lot better. Now I don’t take any antidepressants and am happy to say that the “big black hole” of depression is gone. Sometimes a drug can cause the symptoms it was used for in the first place if you’re on it for a long time.

    RIP Carrie and Debbie. Your entertainment was marvelous!

  5. I heard.about this earlier today. Some of her ashes are being.buries.with Debbie I forget if the Prozac being kept with Todd.oee her daughter. Honestly I.did.get.a chuckle out My parents are.being cremated.amd.not.buried until both are.gone. Each has wishes on where they want some.sprinkled and them.mixed om burial. I and have a jewel.made.with both

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