4 Responses

  1. No mention of DEA Overreach. No mention of the Fact That We Are Lab-Rats to Nonstandardized, Unethical Manipulation of So-called “Oxycodones” and Other “Opiate” medications. Those of us with co-occurring diagnosis which include Benzos, ADHD, and Sleep Medications Which ARE Corrupted, and Containing Trioxide, Cadmium, Cephalon, and other mystery meds-Which Are Causing Additional Diseases and increased Disability Have Yet To Be Addressed. These Covert Practices have been Deployed since the ACA. This HAS To Be Addressed ASAP, as many legitimate Patients Have Died Due To Misrepresentation, Lies, and Secret Cover-ups. Please !! Someone With Integrity, Address These REAL Issues

  2. Why is this not secure?

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