Video – The Persecution of The Chronically Ill

Ken Mc Kim is back… pointing out the “lunacy” in our society when it comes to subjective diseases and how we treat those with these diseases.
While he uses the word persecution.. when one person intentionally causes another to be in pain… whether they induce pain on that person directly.. think stun gun, baseball bat or some other physical infliction of pain or deny the person some sort of physical/medical therapy so that they are no longer in pain.. Isn’t the intentional infliction of pain on another person synonymous with TORTURE ? So, if true, isn’t our judicial torturing all too many in our society.. that have the misfortune to suffer from certain subjective diseases ?

3 Responses

  1. I appreciate your hard work that is helpful , educational and so very touching. Your wife is very fortunate to have you as a partner. It’s great for us to have another advocate. I am glad to have you join us although sorry for the reason. You are a much better human than I could ever hope to be.
    From being a disabled nurse I know how ill your wife is and the lifelong impact on the family. Thanks for sharing this with us and pray that it goes viral.Blessings.

  2. If you feel like you’re being tortured, raise your hand… (That’s my hand in the air, and I can’t be sure, but I think I’m shooting the bird.)

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