The pharmacist as author

dennismillerbook2pahrmacy exposed








Some of us have taken our shingle down and moved our career in a different direction.. sometimes quite a dramatic career shift.

One such Pharmacist is Dennis Miller .. already having published two books and nearly a dozen articles in DRUG TOPICS on various pharmacy related matters Dennis has penned another article for DRUG TOPICS of his “adventure” of being a author.

I am aware of some Pharmacists that have purchased Dennis’ books and given them to investigative reporters and attorneys concerned about medication errors.. We know all these things happen and we all know that we turn a blind eye or deft ear to what is happening..  but we all know this.. too bad we do little to address these issues..

Here is the link to Dennis’ latest article in DRUG TOPICS


One Response

  1. I know that I’ve purchased at least four copies of each, and they are in the hands of investigative reporter and a legal team and for some fun the PA dept. Of state bureau of investigation…they just live getting stuff from us!!

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