The Pharmacy Crawl in Florida – update 01/14/2016

UPDATE 01/14/2016

Well … tasked accomplished.. Barb’s C-II Rx was filled.. Me being me… I did not try to “go up the corporate ladder ” to get this resolved…  I tend to go directly to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder… Yesterday (Wed) I reached out to the VP of Pharmacy services for Winn Dixie. At first I got the opportunity to leave a voice mail message 🙁  Expecting that I would not get passed that… much to my surprise I received a return phone call in about ONE HOUR.  Of course, the first statement from this VP was that ” I cannot force a Pharmacist to fill a Rx it is their individual/professional decision.. they have a responsibility to..”.. at that point I stated ” I am a retired Pharmacist and understand what our responsibilities are…” direction of our conversation changed directions at that point. Long story short.. this VP contacted the District Manger for the district, who had a conversation with this “wayward Pharmacist”…  I got a return phone call from the VP this AM ( Thursday) and the DM had touched based with the PIC at this particular store and he reviewed Barb’s medication history on their computer system and stated that “.. there should have been no problem in filling her Rxs.. she is a “regular”..”..  This particular VP appeared to be another “Senior Pharmacist” and our conversation was not adversarial at all… and we discussed the issues and concerns of those on both side of this issue of chronic pain pts and the issues with the DEA interfering with registrants and the legitimate practice of medicine.  Hopefully, this will start a conversation within Winn Dixie and their Pharmacists about how chronic pain pts should be treated. 

Well.. I have gotten drug into the INFAMOUS pharmacy crawl in Florida.  Before we came to FL for the winter.. I called the local Winn Dixie that we have used here locally when necessary over the 21 yrs that we have owned our condo.

I had called down to the Winn Dixie before we left for the winter and they said that they would have to validate a C-II with our doctor back in Indiana.. big deal.. otherwise they stated that it would be no problem.

I went to drop off a C-II med for Barb and the “relief Pharmacist on duty” … checked the software system and noted that they had filled meds – including controls before.

Lucky for me… and unlucky for Pharmacist DON… I had my handy dandy video pen running  .. I have not used this much but.. I did get a good audio and a beautiful video of the ceiling

Pharmacist Don told me that he was “just baby sitting the Rx dept and come back and talk to the female Pharmacist tomorrow.”… He stated that he had gotten “stung” before and wasn’t going to do it…   I asked him if he had heard of the new pharmacy law… about start to  look for reason to fill and not a reason to not to fill… his response that was for “Florida prescription”.. I mentioned the ADA violation.. and suggested that he look up the Rite Aid refusing to give a HIV + pt a flu shot and got fined $15 K for that little denial of care.

Pharmacist Don seemed unimpressed !

Tomorrow I have a “talk” with the PIC Pharmacist Donna …

If Pharmacist Donna takes the same stance… what they don’t know is that Barb is no where near out of this break-thru med… but…  I won’t let them know that.. but there will be a lot of people in a lot of places of authority will be hearing from me.

7 Responses

  1. Give’m both barrels Steve, then reload and hit’em again…you know…just to be sure. I’m speaking metaphorically of course.

    As an aside, apropos to your opening statement, “Well.. I have gotten drug into the INFAMOUS pharmacy crawl in Florida.”…the drug you mentioned in your statement is apparently the only “drug” that the State of Florida is interested in making sure that chronic pain patients have unfettered access to.

  2. You go guy.

  3. I can’t wait to hear what happens tomorrow! You will be amazed at what they will try to do and say to you but I know your prepared and they will have the shock of THEIR life!, Steve, you are getting to see first hand what they’re doing to these poor innocent people. It’s really sad. Like I mentioned back in the group, my mom had an issue here in AL. This is the first but they are pulling the out of state crap for a measly 30 Xanax for a 68 yr old woman. I didn’t go with her to the pharmacy darn it! It is about 12 miles away. It pisses me off that we can’t travel to our second homes and have a life without this bs. Our rights to travel are being infringed upon and so many other rights. Honestly, I plan to retire here so I’m working on it now. The mail ordering really sucks but if you plan for it coming 2 weeks late, there isn’t a problem. Lol This traveling situation for residents in their own states and having to go a thousand miles to see a doctor is really rediculous! I sure hope some day that patients will get the respect they deserve. Keep us posted, I’m sure you will.

  4. Keep us informed! I hope you get the Rx Barb needs right away. But there’s a little voice inside me wanting to see this incident get some press! (Glad she has a stash.)

  5. Good luck, but beware. When professionals hear pain meds. They won’t get involved. I know, even the feds won’t help. I decided to fight also. And won’t stop either.

  6. I am just tickled pink that this pharmacist is nothing with the wrong man. Or in this case the wrong man’s wife. It will be like porn for abused chronic pain patients!! Seeing them get their asses handed to them on a platter after you get done with them. Please keep us posted.

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