The CVS response to the whistle blower lawsuit is in – YAWN !

Today was the last day that CVS could respond to the court concerning the whistle blower lawsuit by a former RPH/PIC.. and.. true to nature of the legal profession.. the response was filed within minutes of the deadline.. I guess that it took them the entire 60 days they had to come up with a response…

It is 29 pages of mostly …

Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth in the allegations in paragraph xxx

Defendants deny the truth of the allegations in paragraph xxx

Roughly for 24 pages and referencing 156 different paragraphs..mostly repeating the above two statements..

Now wait for it… after 156 paragraphs… and 24 pages …their conclusion…

WHEREFORE, Defendants request that judgment be entered in their favor and against Plaintiff, and that all cost and expenses of the defense of this proceeding, including reasonable attorney’s fees and whatever other relief this Court deems appropriate, be awarded to Defendants…

In English… We did nothing wrong… rule in our favor… and financially screw the whistle blower for having the cojones to take us to court …



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