the “unholy alliance” between Vertex Pharmaceuticals, US Pain Foundation and lawmakers

This video is about the “unholy alliance” between Vertex Pharmaceuticals, US Pain Foundation and lawmakers; how they work together within the public, private – partnerships to create an illusion for the public in an effort to gain support. It is reminiscent of a theater act. In this video, I will show what happened behind the scenes, outside the public purview, examining all the strings that were pulled years before resulting in the changes in the healthcare system we are seeing today.

10 Responses

  1. Vertex giving $2500 to a bunch of politicians really doesn’t constitute a massive conspiracy. Trying to spin all this into terrifying trauma is nuts. Why do you always try to make everything seem so much more awful than it is? life is hard enough without you making claims that are more horrible than life really is. every examination of your videos always shows that you’re really not proving ANYTHING. You make all kinds of claims but you never actually prove anything. Everything is a slur, a smear, or a insinuation, but it’s never a fact and it’s never proven, no matter what you say. I think that’s why the earlier poster said it was fine until your names were mentioned, because your wok is always crap. let’s all admit it, what you showed here, covered with text so it was very hard to read, is that a bunch of $2500 campaign donations were given, and one Senator received one of them. Did you go through every other campaign donation for vertex just show how many other donations they supplied? No. You just make everything look terrible.

    Now, is US Pain in the pocket of Pharma? Yes, they’ve always been, and anyone can check their information to find out. This is not news.

    Does US Pain represent most patients? I think most peopl would say no. Anyone can read their history and decide if this corrupt organization is aligned with their views.

    But you’d do us all a favor if you didn’t blow things up to seem worse than they actually are.

    • You do realize we all know what you’re doing.
      It’s either a lack of intellect, willful ignorance or a desire to gaslight onlookers to prevent them from understanding the truth that leads you to make such a claim (and spend quite a bit of time doing it).
      Remember, gaslighting is: you lie, you lie often, you lie confidently AND you ISOLATE people from the truth.
      So which is it?

      This video is from and is in response to a comment on this post by Freida Brown
      I did a search of all the comments on my blog by a person by the name of Freida Brown or the IP address of this person is using and this is the FIRST EVER post from either of those search criteria. Apparently, the video from Shasta and Lauren outlines this person’s behavior falls under my definition of a TROLL. Apparently, the person posting under this name is not a friend of the chronic pain community, so I am not going to take this person’s comment down. While this person may be using a VPN, but the IP address shows that this person’s ISP is in/around a large city in SE Texas.

  2. Well this was fine until Lauren’s name appeared.

    • Hi Sandy. This is Shasta. I’m the creator of this video. Lauren is my partner. This video is my research and my creation however, Lauren and I are a team.
      May I ask how my adding my partners name to the credits (by which she deserves to be mentioned as she works very hard), why that delegitimizes my presentation in your eyes?
      It seems unfair that you would take swipes at her personally under my video. It’s harsh and uncalled for. If you have a concern about our organization or my presentation, please feel free to email me at Thank you.

    • Please elaborate! Inquiring minds want to know!!! TIA!

      • Hi Cheryl, there is nothing to know. I get harassed because I run CIAAG’s and Advocate against industry overstep. I don’t even know who this person is and I guarantee they don’t even know me. But they apparently use their platform to smear me. So I asked them what their interest is in this issue to be against the one and only organization that actually represents pain patients interests transparently and includes the patience within the strategic discussions. Yeah I personally don’t really appreciate your comment because it kind of makes you look like you’re foaming at the mouth to get some sort of dirt on me. And I honestly worked way too hard for that type of treatment. If you are more interested in hearing some sort of made up slander about me, then actually learning the facts about this and actually learning who I am and what I do then I don’t really know what to say to you. But I am really just done having my name drags through the dirt by people who’ve never even met me and don’t know a damn thing about me.

      • What do you want to know Cheryl???

    • And, you are? Pretty sure you and I don’t even know each other in any way shape or form. Glad to know that my mirror existent seems to get under your skin so much. Have a nice day.

  3. we all knew it was dirty,,that $$$$$ was put before the well-being of the afflicted,the dieing,,,and it WAS,, thus creating,legalizing torture in the healthcare setting,,forced upon all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!excellent piece,,,jmo,,maryw

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