The USA is violating human rights per UN… without consequences ?

stevemailboxIn April of 2015 a handful of us got together and I wrote a formal complaint to the United Nation Humane Right Commisioner,,because people were/are dieing,,and the hope was/is to stop 1 more good soul from being forced into choosing death as their only option to stop their physical pain from untreated physical pain from medical illness.,,At that time that petition 2 congress ,”due no harm,” only had 6,000 letters sent to our senators and thee president .I sent every letter to the U.N in Geneva,,they are heartbreaking..Now,,their are 30,000 letters sent to our elected officials..They know full well the willfull sufferings and torture and GENOCIDE they have caused..
The U.N responded to our letter by stating that denying access to medicine needed to lessen physical pain was inhumane and should not be it is essential to proper medical care..They further their message in April 2016 infront of all countries including the United States,,in a Emergancy session addding this very issue to thee agenda of that meeting,,Again,the U.N Commision on human rights reiterated DO NOT deny access to needed medical treatment .AND IT SHOULD never be acceptable TO DENY MEDICAL CARE TO THE PHYSICALLY ILL IN PHYSICAL PAIN FROM MEDICAL ILLNESS,…,,However,,,’our”’ country in jmo,,spit in their faces,,with bringing out the cdc guidelines after the U.N stated NOT to deny us the medical care we need,,and all individual states did the exact same thing..I personal informed my senators,,ie Tammy Baldwin,,that I had written the U.N,,about denying us care and furthermore to please allow on allll death certificates a option for all coroners to put ,”death due to untreated physical pain from medical illness,” I was told,,”PROVE IT,”!!N ow thank god,,by doctor has not taken my meds away,,,or I would of done just that,,,proved it,,,..Our government knows exactly what their doing,,,and they simple don’t care,,and will not stop until they are stopped,,,Prohibition was wrong in the late 1800 ,,and it is still wrong in 2016,,,klondyn,,the cdc,dea,hhs, all of them,,should face a Interational Court Of Law for crimes against humanity and the medically ill,,,,,Klondyn should rot in prison,,,along w.those in the dea who went after our good innocent Doctors,,!!!




12 Responses

  1. Mary, This is excellent work you have done! They aren’t listening. What do we do?

    • jmo,,,I wrote to the International Court Of law of the High Commissioner of Human Rights about 4 days ago,,,waiting for their responds,,I asked them if they would conscider representing us in thee International Court Of Law via the United Nations Human Rights Council,,for a case against the United States Government for WILLFULL,, torture and genocide against the medically ill w/painful medical conditions,crimes against humanity,and crimes against our doctors/pharmacist,,Furthermore w/Mr.Steves headliner,,”where are the consequences for the United State’s willfull violation of our rights,”,,the U.N may conscider a law suit as the United State consequence for their willfull torture and genocide of all of us,,,,,Ill give it 2 weeks,,,then I will try again,,,It is a very big task as u know,,to bring formal charges against the United States government for willful crimes against humanity and the medically ill,,,I went to them,the U.N,because ,”our” government knows the suffering they are causing and we have tried to work w/them,,they are literally refusing to hear us and stop killing us,,,jmo,,,that’s where we go next??,,,I just think its useless to keep trying to talk w/our government,,we have been there done that,,and like the letter said,,,all our government keeps doing is adding MORE restriction, more hurt,,more injury,,more death onto all of us,,jmo,,mary

  2. My error,,as the ”s” is right next to the A on my keyboard,,the D.P.A.,,, is Drug Policy Alliance,,,they have a lot of good info on their site for the humane use of our medicines,,,and statistic like how many innocent people have had their houses raided by the dea,,,only to find out,,”WRONG ADDRESS,” and the innocent people freak out from a bunch of men a black uniforms come barging into their home,,the dea has killed them in their own homes,,We have all blown the whistle,,,,1 more would be great,,,,1 word of advice from my experience,,,MOST,, in our government refuse to hear us,,,,mary

  3. Idk who posted UN info but is it to mean that the USA replied back with the CDC guidelines as an answer to caring for chronic pain? Was the UN led to believe we are being humanely treated??!
    I am beyond furious since my life has been shortened plus is tortured24/7 . Before losing treatment my life was with very little pain, had a much longer expectancy, had ability to even go òut of my bed to shop or socialize. The difference is black& white living with adequate treatment provided by my dr and not a gov official who is treating me like a criminal.
    This is so insane it is beyond belief. My country s killing me by torture.

    • No Mr. Jacoby,,I wrote the letter against the United States Government to the Unite Nation ,April 2015,,,for the United States willfully torturing and using genocide against the chronic pain human beings..The United Nations respond to us,w/the letter u see in the attchments Mr.Steve did on my post,,there are 3 attachments,,if u can,,look at them,The attachment w/174 as thee end numbers will show u my letter in its entirety,,and,it also shows the United Nations responds to the letter..believe or not,,the U.N is ,”for” our humane right to effective medicines,be it opiates TO TREAT OUR PHYSICAL PAIN FROM A MEDICAL CONDITIONS,,However,,even after the United Nations stated we have the right to access to our medicine’s this April,2016,,,our cdc jmo,spit in their faces,,by releasing those guideline directly after the U.N called a emergency meeting in April,2016,,and told all countries including the U.S,A, to NOT restrict our access to our the U.S.A.. completely ignored the U.N recommendation not to restrict our medicines,,ie Steves headliner,,,of ”NO CONSEQUENCES FOR HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION PER THE U.N. AGAINST AMERICA FOR AMERICA VIOLATIONG HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE CHRONIC PAIN PEOPLE,,, ,”’,so the U.N is for our rights to get our medicines,,,America is not,,,obviously,,hope this helps your understanding,,,mary

  4. I used a lot of data from DPA,,AND HAVE EMAILED THEM A FEW TIME ALREADY..THEY were present at the meeting in April 2016 here in N.Y. and already know all about what the U.S.. has done to its own medically ill w/painful medical condition beinf forced into torture and genocide,,maryw

    • OK Mary who is DPS, and can I get all info so that I can also contact them along with my senator/Congress, to express my disgust with the situation our country is continuing and lying about it . Òur rights have been dropped them lied about to the world as tho chronic pain is being addressed when it is NOT…..
      I want to blow the whistle on our lying government……

      • Oh, yes who is DickTrickle??! Sorry for being un informed but my meds have been reduced to point that functioning has become extremely difficult, but my spirit wants to fight whenever I can manage it.
        We need to use òur numbers to stop this genocide, since it is being lied to the world about our treatment, then we need to expose our gov for their actions regarding human rights . Òur gov is a bunch of liers for their own greed d power.
        The world will put them in their place if the World actually knew what is happening. Let’s blow the whistle on these greedy cruel worms……

        • Dick Trickle WAS National Association of Race Car Drivers who shot himself because he could no longer endure his physical pain w/out effective medicines,,,mary

  5. I am the person who wrote the letter,,,,,our hope was to stop this torture and now genocide forced onto all the medically ill w/painful medical condition,,and to stop ,”them” from persecuting our GOOD doctors,,,it is a witch hunt,,,and I fear thee only way to stop it is formal charges via the ”International Court Of Law,,via the United Nations Human Rights Commisioner,,”’ ,,,if anyone would like a full copy of the entire responds and letter I will gladly forward it to anyone,,this has got to stop,some how,,some way,,,too many good people are dieing,,to many good doctors are loosing it all,,and jmo,,those of us fortunate enough to still have our meds,,owe to all those who have died,or are suffering now,,to help end this torture and genocide,jmo..We are suppose to be a evolving HUMANE society,and our government has taken away our rights to evolve humanely and are rights for humane care to all those w.painful medical conditions,,,If we get knocked down,,then we brush off our knees and get back up,,everytime I have gotten knocked down in this fight,,I think of Dick Trickle,,and I get back up,,no matter what,,,,,,,,maryw

    I’d like the contact info of whomever wrote the UN Steve please. The International Study of Pain organization along with numerous countries have long held that view and adopted the Declaration of Montreal which mandates pain relief as a human right. Pain in my view and personal experience is a disability wuth withholding meds being a violation of the ADA and numerous states human rights act. Further, the WHO & UNODC released a joint statement several years ago stating withholding pain relief from legitimate pain patients for aby reason violates human rights law.

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