Theft by employees can cost millions ?

Myron Lesh, who with wife Cookie, purchased the pharmacy 32 years ago. The Clifton couple have operated it since.

Tough goodbye for owners of Ridgewood icon Harding Pharmacy and Liquor

From the article:

A lawsuit filed some years ago against the Leshes also hurt the business.

The couple settled the suit for millions in 2011 with the guardians of a then-17-year-old Saddle River man, who had overdosed at a party on drugs that had been stolen by a former employee.

I wonder if the same thing would have happened if the employee had stolen liquor and a person was killed in car crash from DUI or alcohol overdose ?

9 Responses

  1. Random drug testing is legal as long as it is done fairly and not discriminatory. Any company or profession can employ random drug testing as long as it is done fairly across the board and doesn’t require probable cause. The problem here is they are only targeting chronic pain people! I know of some companies that do do random drug testing but they are few and far between and not in the healthcare field. Also, the military has a policy of random drug testing and has been doing it long before all this ridiculous activity with the DEA started. 4th and 5th amendments don’t cover random drug testing done fairly in an organization or company! All they have to prove is a reasonable reason for random drug testing!

  2. JB…workplace drug testing requires probable cause under 4th and 5th amendments of unreasonable search and seizure and due process rights. I don’t agree chronic pain patients should be drug tested unless there is probable cause they are selling their medication and not truly pain patients. Forcing them the sign away their 4th and 5th amendment rights in pain contracts is wrong in my book and treats patients like felons. Our legal system is innocent until proven guilty not the other way around. In IN the ACLU has filed a lawsuit against our AG for drug testing pain management patients.

    • Exactly. But its also well known that most of the street drugs come from people working at hospitals or pharmacies. So if it violates their amendments how does it not violate ours. Also most companies drug test potential employees. Does that not violate their amendment also. Like you stated you should be innocent until proven guilty.

  3. I think anyone who works at a pharmacy should be drug tested. They are around more narcotics than people in pain. Having lived in Chicago most of my life, I know how the pain meds get on the streets. And the biggest percentage of it is from someone working at a pharmacy. Let’s get the DEA on to them instead of the ones in pain.

  4. That depends what state your in with regard to firearms

  5. The law’s specifically says, any firearm MUST BE KEPT IN A CERTIFIED LOCKED CONTAINING DEVICE when minors are living in the same dwelling. Perhaps the same should go for all dangerous Rx`s?

  6. I know in IN restaurants/owners, bartenders, and servers, fraternities and sororities have been held responsible. We habe had a few restaurants close due to lawsuits for serving someone ‘intoxicated’ who caused a bad accident. If it was a home based party that made the local news, I never saw any follow up if the homeowners/hosts were held responsible, especially if it was parents that knew or didnt know about the party.

    • In this case, the employee did something ILLEGAL – stole controlled substances and then distributed them.. so two laws were broken before they even got into the kid’s hand that OD’d on them.

      • Interesting enough, say hydrocodone for a adolescence Pt. with pain is picked up for their son by dad.
        Often, that drug is commandeered by the parent. Talk about abuse!
        The so called medicine cabinets are the diversion area most used by kids, visitors, and those with access to the cadavers of DB`s who make sure the CII`s they are supposed to be surrendered or are placed elsewhere. Imagine fentanyl getting to some kid’s with no expectation of a problem with using a drug +25 times more potent than IRMS?

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