There seems to be no limit…

dennismillerbook2We have dinner with friends of ours and their daughter/son in law and one of their grandkids.. The daughter is a nurse that works part time in a pediatric office. She was explaining how she had to go to FIVE pharmacies in Florida to get TWELVE DOSES of a opiate Rx for her 12 y/o son.. that had just had his wisdom teeth pulled.

She was also relaying that some of these Pharmacists are calling and questioning antibiotic dosing for peds..  She had more than her “2-cents” worth of opinion about how Pharmacists are interfering and consuming time to question the most innocuous issue(s)

We have been friends with her parents for long before she was born… so I am very familiar with how impassioned she can get about certain things.

One Response

  1. OMG. Seriously???..Refusing 12 doses from an oral surgeon for a kid for wisdom teeth??? Now that’s REALLY LOWER THAN LOW. I’m sure they danced around the ‘I’m not comfortable filling’ script on refusing….hope they sleep well at night. Karma isn’t very friendly and she remembers everything

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