They take a oath to enforce our Constitution.. then why don’t they ?


Here is a little website that that will give you links to all the TV/newspapers and other media in the US… all indexed by state.

I just used this website to send a two page letter to all these stations in the major TV stations in Louisville,KY and all the major TV station in ALL OF INDIANA.  A total of 18 stations. Along with the 183 page First Do No Harm  document that Zoeller and some “so called” medical experts came up with, and the FOREWORD was all about opiate substance abuse… so this 183 page “how to ” document worries about the 1 serious substance abuser and outlines how the other 49 chronic pain pts are going to be SCREWED as physicians in Indiana follow these rules.

The first question is what “medical expert” would come up and/or agree to a “cookie cutter” approach to treating pts with subjective diseases.  Diseases that has no “medical yardstick” to measure the intensity of the disease and how it is effecting their personal quality of life.

That website only had one busted web link and sometimes I had to dig around the TV station’s website to find the correct email… but .. most had email links readily available.

As many of my regular readers knows that I have little use for Indiana’s current AG Greg Zoeller. IMO, he is a card carrying certifiable opiophobe.  He has been in office since 2008 and Indiana is now the number one state for pharmacies robberies, very high on the list of meth lab bust and don’t forget that little 180 pt epidemic of HIV, Hep B&C in small Scott County (pop 25,000)  a year + back.

There is little/no talk  about all the Heroin deaths accelerating and we have had at least one multi location practice where an estimated 5000 pts were tossed to the street… in a community that knew they did not have the capacity to begin addressing the medical needs of these pts.  How many of these pts ended up committing suicide or ended up going to “the street” to attempt to get some relief from their unrelenting chronic pain.

I guess that those on the Medical Licensing Board are more committed to keeping their political appointed position on the Board than following their primary charge of protecting the public’s health and safety.

About a year ago, Zoeller  strong-armed/forced/coerced the Medical license board to pass EMERGENCY REGULATION requiring pts taking opiates on a long term basis to be subjected to drug testing at the physician’s office. After fighting the war on drugs for 46 yrs.. there was an emergency need for urine testing ?  Maybe because that could circumvent the requirement for a public comment period.  You would think that an attorney (Zoeller) would know that .. that the emergency regulation was in violation of the 4th Amendment. Fortunately, the ACLU knew that it was a violation and took them to court and the Medical License Board – lost !!!

In this new 183 page document..there are mandatory pt contracts and within the contracts is that the pt AGREES to urine/blood/hair drug testing.  If all the prescribers in Indiana are required to have this pre-determine contract.. there is not mutuality in the contract…It makes the pt getting opiate therapy as a “take it leave it” process.. since all prescriber will be requiring the same contract.

If anyone within any industry – colluded – on any matter of how they do business.. it would be restriction of commercial trade and considered ILLEGAL… of course, when those who are in charge of enforcing the law of the land is the one causing a violation of those same laws… can chose to turn a blind eye to enforcement to certain laws/rules/regulations.


One Response

  1. THe problem with testing a patient that is new, they might have gone to the street because of intense suffering, and it may have been for legit medical reasons, but the positive test ruins their medical chart for life.

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