They volunteer to protect us… they come back broken.. and we deny to care for them ?

Robert D. Rose Jr. to Vets Fight Back

Tom from CBS is very interested in our stories and reached out to me again this morning. Please contact Tom at CBS – – Subject Genocidal Policies.

Here is the address to another reporter and my story. PLEASE send him your stories AND if you know someone else interested in sharing the truth, give them my story.   Robert — Teufelshunde

Dr. Red Lawhern –

Pissed off Marine!

I was pain med compliant for 15+ years. Never popped positive on any mandatory drug screens or messed up a pill count. I was able to continue teaching, sponsoring a club, coach soccer, basketball, and little league baseball. While working full time as a school teacher and sponsoring a high school very involved in community service, I returned to a Christian college, Milligan College for my Masters in Education. I graduated with a 3.95 GPA; all while taking pain medication for injuries sustained in the Marines. I was able to take my sons fishing and hiking all because of pain meds… Unfortunately, my spine did not stop deteriorating and the VAMC has done nothing to fix the damage… instead I have been refused repeatedly for surgery as the damage and scar tissue is too severe and too old. The Mountain Home VAMC doc I had was awesome as we worked together to manage the pain meds with my pain and other medications. Then he retired and after a series of kooks, I ended up with a nurse practitioner, Christina Craft, state of Tennessee License Number #21419, who told me that I had the normal back of any other 50 year American male and that the VA had adopted the new “opioid safety initiative” and would be denying 90% of veterans being served there all pain meds. She did this by phone!!! No discussion with other physicians, pharmacists, psychologists, physical therapists (even Senator Corker’s request for new PCP was denied). I have been through every pain management program offered to include chiropractors, acupuncturists, yoga and even aroma therapy for my spine before this NP decided to deny pain meds without even bothering to read my chart (for which I have evidence).

In October 2016, I was at 180mg Morphine Sulfate (60mg tablet 3x daily) and by December 29, 2016 I was completely cut off. Since 12/29/2016, I have had nothing but Tylenol and Motrin I have had to purchase myself… I am going CRAZY because of the pain and burning up with ANGER at the VA, the CDC and DEA for what they are doing to so many Americans and veterans. Occasionally (my wife says all the time for the last thirty years), I am an obnoxious asshole. A title I proudly hold and whenever I see injustices, I get upset and the asshole rears its ugly head. When I am attacked or someone I care for such as veterans or the American people, I strike back with the speed of a rattlesnake and the ferocity of a Devil Dog! Please visit FB page Vets Fight Back for more important information for CIVILIANS and VETERANS.



Robert D. Rose Jr.,
Semper Fidelis

We defended your freedoms…
Will you help defend ours?

One Response

  1. To Robert D. Rose Jr.,
    BSW, MEd., USMC

    The National Cannabis Patients Wall was born in Tennessee because of the love and loss of a Vet. My father in-law. I hope you will join our community.

    I humbly apologize to you. I apologize for the mistreatment you have received from medical personal, from the state of Tennessee and for our nation. You deserve far better, and I for one, salute you sir!
    and our website

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