This apparently only applies to the state of WA.

Attorney General’s Office presents argument defending rules requiring pharmacies to fill lawful prescriptions

From the article:

PORTLAND, Ore. — This week, the Attorney General’s Office will defend rules requiring pharmacies to fill lawful prescriptions for time-sensitive medications.

On Thursday, Nov. 20, at 2 p.m. in Portland, Ore., the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear argument in the case of Stormans v. Wiesman, in which a pharmacy owner and two pharmacists challenge Washington rules requiring pharmacies to fill lawful prescriptions.

The plaintiffs object to filling certain prescriptions for emergency contraceptives based on their religious beliefs.  The state argues that the rules comply with the First Amendment and ensure that Washington residents have timely access to necessary medications.

While this case is all over birth control and Plan B… it does seem to apply to LAWFUL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR TIME-SENSITIVE MEDICATIONS..  Is keeping a pt from going into withdrawal.. time sensitive ?

2 Responses

  1. This is too much of a slippery slope…if they want to use religion not to dispnse plan B, what about those in oregon where ‘assisted suicide’ is legal, what about, the way we used to dispense emergecy contraception..Ovral pack…2 tabs dailt for 3 days, Cytotec 200mcg taken at home for to trigger miscarrage, but its not stated, a Jehovahs witness nurse asked to set up a blood transfusion for a patient? I mean at one time in healthcare, one left their petsonal and religious beliefs and feelings at the door as they went to work. It’s a lawful prescription, it-s between the patient and the doctor, unless its a minor, then there better be a parent invovled. Thata the only thing I disagree with, if they are under18, they are a minor and a parent should be involved.

  2. So many drugs have withdrawal problems and not just narcotics. Causing suffering for any reason should be illegal. Personally I would prefer plan B for anyone besides a abortion. Thanks for sharing this situation.

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