Plan B Challenge in Washington Hits 9th Cir.
From the article:
Judge Susan Graber
Stormans’ attorney, Kristen Waggoner
Waggoner conceded that the other pharmacies the board elected not to pursue did not face complaints, but said the board still “chose deliberately” not to pursue violations.
This shows that the state was not just trying to protect patients, Waggoner said.
“You don’t think that timely delivery of medications to patients that has been prescribed by their physicians is an important right for the state to protect?” Graber said.
Filed under: General Problems
I worked for a Catholic hospital, we did not stock birth control neither was it covered on the employee insurance even for non birth control reasons. I knew this when I accepted the job, I personally dont agree with everything the Catholic church does, One has to wonder how the pharmacists in Oregon handle dispensing the ‘assisted suicide’ medications….even thought it is a state law..doesnt that violate a DEA or fed law somehow for violation of not dispensing for a legitimate medical necessity….HMMMMMM…..
So William, let me get this right. It’s OK to sell a legal product which has been shown to be linked to cancer, but it is not OK to sell a legal product prescribed by a physician which is not an abortive product. Next thing you will be supporting religious groups that want to totally eliminate people who do not support your beliefs. Hummm isn’t this what is happening in Syria
Any independent business should have complete authority over their own inventory. An independent pharmacy owner should be able to choose to stock or not stock any legal product. Choosing to not stock certain items will result in the loss of business but if the owner is willing to absorb that loss, THAT’S HIS BUSINESS.
Maybe the state of Washington should mandate that all CVS drug stores start selling tobacco products again. After all, some smoker might get the heebie jeebies if he’s out of smokes and we don’t want anybody to be inconvenienced by having to walk a block to a different store.
your lack of reading comprehension is astounding. I advocate businesses being allowed to make their own business decisions without interference from big brother. personal freedom, personal responsibility.
How can a medical professional not realize that this is a problem? So many diseases require a constant level of medication to help and for some to prevent withdrawal. I was taught as a R.N. that a hour delay was considered a medication error and grounds for disciplinary action at the VA hospital where I worked before becoming a disabled ill discriminated broke non human. I had a job I loved for 20 years.