This is a interesting listen and perspective

If you listen to this 7 minute video from a Canadian citizen about the USA’s 2nd Amendment  and the reason behind it justification.

BUT.. if you insert opiates and the war on drugs … there is some very similar “facts” about the bureaucratic mindset as to  how the “war on drugs” need to be continues and opiates used to treat pain .. especially long term use should be banned.

And apparently “our friends” at the CDC has tried to get involved with gun ownership .. just like they have came out about use use of opiates in treating chronic pain.

Too bad the chronic pain community is not well organized or funded as the NRA is… While they say that you can’t “buy” a member of Congress.. it does appear that many can be INFLUENCED with large donations to their re-election campaign fund.

4 Responses

  1. To Lisa Davis ,,,,Heroin is NOT a opiate,,,Though it comes from the same plant..Thee chemical processes,,chemical formula,and methodology to make a synthetic MEDICINE,, is completely different.then street heroin.Just curious,,why do u classify a street drug like heroin as a medicine like opiates???just curious?????maryw

  2. hhhmmm I first thought of Detroit and Chicago who have very high murder rates but very strong gun control laws
    Stats can be skewed and used to an advantage on either side of this debate. That’s the very problem with statistics to begin with. They too can be influenced by deep pockets.
    But like he said, it’s for America to decide ✨

    Oh and I’m a chronic pain patient who uses Tramadol, not hard opiates like herion, for my conditions ✨

  3. The problem with that is we are just trying to live with our pain which everyone from pharmacist to our next door neighbor is sticking there nose in and telling us what to do. I wish we were better organized but I changed to pot as I couldn’t take the red tape.

    • Amen Terri,,,couldn’t agree w/u more,,,We’ve got every tom,dick and harry who thinks they have a right to decide who is to suffer in physical pain,,who is in physical pain,,etc,,When the TRUTH/FACT dictates,,since it is physically impossible for anyone to physically feel the physical pain of another,,NO-ONE has the right to decide the who,what,, where,,or how much,,,of anything dealing w/physical pain from medical conditions..The proper,,HUMANE answer as a civil society,,,is to honor the freedom as Adult for us to decide what we put in our bodies to effectively lessen our physical pain from medical illness’s.,,Its between u and your doctors,,period,,,,Not Tom,dick,,or harry,,,and certainly not some politician practicing medicine w/out a liscence,,,,maryw

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