This is amazing.. a lifeguard… breaks the rules .. to save a life.. and gets fired..

Here is a story about a young lifeguard in Florida who had to chose to go “outside” of the beach area that his company was hired to a few hundred feet.. to save a drowning person… His reward… he got fired!!… not only that .. but .. two other life guards who worked for the same company… QUIT !..

Can you imagine that… an employee putting the well being  of another person above the company’s rules and regulations… and two other employees quitting over the first one being fired..

Can’t  you see the same sort of things being repeated in chain pharmacies across this country over and over on a regular basis?  Where Pharmacists refuses to put a patient’s health/well being at risk over breaking or not breaking a law… and other Pharmacists and/or techs backing the Pharmacist’s actions?

YOU CAN’T???  you mean that a relative low paid lifeguard ($8.25/hr) has more respect for human life than a educated healthcare professional?  Imagine that !!!

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