I didn’t go to ER I went to walk in clinic so but I still think walk in clinics can write a prescription for pain medication if they wanted to. I didn’t ask for any either but they didn’t offer any.
Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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Filed under: General Problems
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This is the direct result of our state’s GOP leadership working with governor Rick Scott and what it gave us here in FloriDuh to help the “opiod crisis” : HB21.
It seems that any outcome is okay as long as a doctor does not prescribe pain medication. Pain? suffering? torture? death? are all fine; just be sure you do not provide pain relief. I realize that the compassionate reasonable doctors have been silenced, but it seems like many more are completely indifferent to human suffering. Common sense no longer exists. We have lost our way, and I can’t imagine how we will find our way back from this nightmare. I’m scared. Who will be willing or allowed to care for people with painful complex chronic diseases and injuries? Will doctors provide comfort through palliative care, or will we be left to suffer? I never thought that I would need to wonder about this in my lifetime.
That’s because medical school costs so much there’s a shortage of doctors in this country. Told to me by my doctor she does care she was hard to find it’s like a needle in a haystack. I broke my back foot biting for it at the emergency room sent home in pain with asb rx for 20 tramadol top last 20 days but to take every 6 to 8 hours. That breaks down to 1 a day. I still have that bottle because I have to see it too believe it the stupidity that’s going on around this country is scaring me and scarring me.
In part we the voters are responsible for this. How were we every stupid enough to let the Feds control everything. “A government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything.” Aside from protecting the borders and litigating differences between the state there is not much constitutional mandates for the Feds to fulfill. We need to get our state governments functioning the way we want them and then take on the Feds. Maybe eliminated the income tax would be a first step to disable their habit of bribing state officials. Can anyone tell me which of the alphabet departments in Federal Governments have a constitutional mandate. None that I know of. Since about 1913 the Feds have surreptitiously taken over our lives. It is time to get them out. The medical issues would be much easier to deal with on a State level.
Many people don’t know this…but… federal income tax was started to help replace the tax money that was being loss when alcohol prohibition was implemented
Doctors are not even trying to fight back for their patients, the care more about that license than human beings they swore to protect, hipocratic oath means nothing.
BINGO ! I can somewhat understand the Dr.s wanting to protect themselves. This is really not caused by them… it is the government. I tell everyone I can about this issue… just ask all my upper/lyft driver..
I’m sorry to say “they” don’t care about the patients! It’s all about them and there license. If they were to just do the correct thing there would be no reason to worry.
I’m sorry for your pain it looks bad. Good luck!