This is where America CONTINUES TO SHOP ?

This is a video of a interaction between a veteran with PTSD and his service dog with a manager at Walgreens at Kearney and Galloway in mesquite, TX.

Walgreens is now in the process of moving their headquarters to Switzerland so that they can save TWO MILLION DOLLARS A DAY in US TAXES… the same taxes that pay for all those Medicaid and Medicare prescriptions and other services that WALGREENS provide to US CITIZENS.

Does this video suggest that WALGREENS discriminates against our VETERANS… we know that they discriminate against CHRONIC PAIN PTS and it looks like that they greedprofits want to lessen their contributions to what funds the overall operation of this country..

6 Responses

  1. it seems like walgreens will treat pain pts for 6 months and its cut off time that is one of the questions on the good faith policy , it might as well be you are hurt screw you and we do not want your kind in our store policy and they call it a family pharmacy they just cut off controlled just like that. they do not care about with draw or just had surgery , broken bones ,cancer it is all about the money if you drop off your controlled and un controlled with them make sure you give instruction not to fill uncontrolled unless they fill controlled at the same time or they just fill your uncontrolled and say sorry we could not fill controlled and that goes for all pharmacy’s ,but our walgreens does that one and than , could not go anywhere because the other pharmacy wanted the uncontrolled to fill controlled I was screwed . I am sorry about mr Goodsons condition and the way walgreens treated him but I still would like to thank mrs Goodsons husband for his service THANK YOU

  2. Two Walgreens pharmacies in Portland OR were shorting many pain patients and they acted like we were drug seekers if we complained or asked for a count in front of us.

  3. Thank you for bringing this to attention. Please continue to post everywhere and please please use the link pharmacist Steve was kind enough to post. I am sorry that this happened. No excuse.

  4. I know for a fact.that someonei know got fake(placebo)pain meds from Walgreens

  5. I want a class action suit against Walgreen’s. They filled my pain meds for over a year until one day New policy bullshit caused me to no longer be able to fill my much needed prescriptions. I’m disabled because of my back and have no pain meds.

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