This is where the class actions can begin

lawsuit form with filler and book

The following was posted on a closed FB page for chronic painers…  The CDC guidelines are for PRESCRIBERS… United Healthcare or any other insurance company CANNOT LEGALLY ADOPT THESE GUIDELINES or force prescribers to follow them.

Here one of my previous posts that goes into details

Regain your quality of life … SUE THEIR ASS !

Maryland Medicaid/(potentially Medicare) Users: I was just accidentally pre-informed by a representative named Llyod at United healthcare that on January 1st an internal memo was sent out that as of June 30th they will be adopting CDC guidelines, but it will not effect short acting pain medications or cancer patients. At that point I asked him if he was telling me they will be limiting the dose to 90MME or doing away with long acting all together. He got nervous and connected me to a manager. The manger said Llyod should not have shared that with me and he can give no further details. I argued for an hour that the cat is out of the bag and that I wanted further clarity, but he basically said they will be mailing out the information on the changes by April 30th. So there you have it, low income and disabled people are going to suffer. It’s official. You should have heard how mad he was when I kept insisting I can’t UNHEAR what was said, and I will not “wait” for further instructions as this effects me now and you already gave me concrete information that you are limiting chronic pain patients doses of opioids at least by some capacity. I asked him if I had recorded it and played it back would he keep denying what I heard, and he freaked out. He FINALLY admitted that he knows that I heard something, but it was not to be shared so he will not elaborate on the exact specifics. He then had the nerve to tell me LLyod is in trouble for telling me. I told him the only person to be in trouble should be you for lying and denying what you know I know, and this company for preparing to severely hurt chronic pain patients with little notice. It’s disgusting and sad. I’m so upset.

2 Responses

  1. And my husband pays to have tjis insurance..pos I have AVN

  2. United is my hubby’s insurer thru the state of Wisconsin,,,HMMM,,, THIS IS WHY WE SWITCHED FROM DEAN CARE JANUARY 1ST,,, ill bet my farm on it,,They are just trying to figure out how to get around the legalities of it as we speak,,,forwarded to my aclu,,,for further charges,,,,mw

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