Thou protest too much

Mud slinging – political style

I sense a HIDDEN AGENDA by those – mostly in the “Republican Establishment” that are refusing to support the candidate of the party that they are suppose to belong to.

There seems to be a solid resentment because those who are part of the “old guard” of the Republican party .. like JEB Bush.. even after spending tons of money on advertising .. never got traction. Marco Rubio said that he was not going to run for reelection to his FL Senate seat.. but.. guess what.. HE’S RUNNING…

It is almost as if the ole guard of the Republican party does not want anyone that could disrupt the reigning establishment. What if Trump won and starting looking at the Fed bureaucracy as a businessman would and start cutting the budgets for the next fiscal year – Oct 1, 2017 ?  Going after a balance budget… vetoing bills that have a massive amount of “pork” attached to them ?

It would be heresy to the establishment to start running the Fed government with a balanced budget… to start pulling back on individual agencies budgets to force many/all agencies to keep their activity to their core authority.

No more DEA going after prescribers, pharmacies and wholesalers…. CDC no more opiate dosing guidelines or other things outside of their authority under the law.

After all what is 4-8 yrs of relinquishing the White House to the Democrats so long as the rest of the “establishment” that both parties have put so much time/trouble developing over the last 240 yrs of our country’s history..  remains intact… After all there is another election in four years.

As long as the status quo remains intact. IMO.. this suggests that there is really not that much philosophical differences between the two parties.

Both parties have conventions to chose a candidate.. both .. establish their individual platforms…  but.. after the election… does any of the members of Congress even look at those platforms when they are voting on bills that are on their way to becoming laws ?

2 Responses

  1. Bravo! I couldn’t have said it better!

  2. I agree w/Steve,,,,Trump scares me,,,but,,,,he is no politicians,,and that is what I like about him..I was just sayen to my hubby,,,i bet u,,there gonna do something like they did to Gore,,if trump wins,,,He does however needs to get back to telling the public his agenda as president,,and lessen his mudslinging a bit,,,, jmo,,mary

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