Time to push back ?

Here is a white house petition just started … to push back against the DEA’s abusive tactics


Stop punishing legitimate pain patients with little or no access to pain medications.

Many pain patients, nationwide, are suffering. Suffering from the hands of an agency sworn to protect them. Patients nationwide suffering from debilitating ailments such as Failed Back surgery syndrome, Fibromyalgia, CRPS/RSD, Arthritis, etc. They cannot get pain medications

The DEA has been raiding pill mills–in an attempt to slow or stop prescription drug abuse. This has had a very negative effect on legitimate chronic pain sufferers. Our doctors tell us “we’re not giving you nothing, the DEA will raid us!” Or “I’m not losing my license so that you can function” This is how they feel, it should not be this way.

Doctors also unfairly label us as drug seeking

I am asking the government to look hard into this. It needs fixed. This needs reform. Allow us in pain to at least be comfortable


One Response

  1. The lack of palliative treatment of intractable pain is in itself a crime. The DEA is complicit in the restricting of the amount of analgesia allowed to be allotted to the institutions and your neighborhood pharmacies. How this shortage occurs is a systemic problem that has individuals that cannot find the Rx’s in stock calling many others pharmacies in hopes of finding them in stock as phone calls are not allowed because the RPh has no knowledge if the one calling is legit. Shame on those law enforcement agencies that seem to believe it is their duty to prelude pain Tx.

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