#trustedsince1901 .. depends on the floater pharmacy working on any particular day ?

As a longtime customer at my local walgreens , like about 9 years, I have had 2 very disturbing conflicts with several pharmacist . I am a disabled 65 yr old who has a complicated medical history and have been taking the same 2 narcotic meds for 12 yrs same dose same instructions thru my long time and only predrilled my primary dr. Several months back instructions went in as I do every 6 was to fill my hard copy scripts and left them and they were very busy. I came back 1 hr later and drove thru the drive thru the lady said the pharmacist  had questions and needed to contact my dr. This was very strange but I found out he was a fill in.  So I went in and ask him why he needed to contact my dr and I did not care if he did. I they were the same as always for the past 9 yrs. He said he had not called yet and then proceeded to ask me what kind of pain I was being treated for and rhinestone started naming off all my others meds I take on and re gera basis as I have for 9yrs. As I’m standing there people all around me in line and waiting in the seating area I was horrified and embarrassed .  I told him I did not think I had to tell him what my medical history was and so he walked over picked up my 2 scripts and said well I don’t have to fill them for you. I went to another pharmacy  and told them what had just happened and she told me he no right to treat me like that. She filled them and told me to report him to the pharmacy  manager and I did, but he seemed uninterested and so I did not nothing else.

Now, they are changing 1 of my meds to one that upsets my stomach  so I requested to get the ones I had been on for years. I gave them 2 days notice and today the same song and dance as they say they can’t get those from there warehouse any more and probably could not however last month when I requested them with no notice they had them in stock so they filled it. I went to another pharmacy which is embarrassing  and they did have them. 

My point is that I believe if I was a cash paying customer and not a medicare part d customer they would have had tried to a com date me. I believe they are putting a class of senior medicare people in a different class as they are losing money on us. This makes me very upset as I feel like they did care but me but do not really ,  money.

Should I make. Complaint or just let it go? I am on social security disability as well.

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