Tucker Carlson interviews Gerald Posner on www.foxnation.com about our opiate crisis and the Sackler Family

Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America Kindle EditionPharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America 

About Gerald Posner

John Martin of ABC News says “Gerald Posner is one of the most resourceful investigators I have encountered in thirty years of journalism.” Garry Wills calls Posner “a superb investigative reporter,” while the Los Angeles Times dubs him “a classic-style investigative journalist.” “His work is painstakingly honest journalism” concluded The Washington Post. The New York Times lauded his “exhaustive research techniques” and The Boston Globe determined Posner is “an investigative journalist whose work is marked by his thorough and meticulous research.” “A resourceful investigator and skillful writer,” says The Dallas Morning News.

Posner was one of the youngest attorneys (23) ever hired by the Wall Street law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore. A Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude graduate of the University of California at Berkeley (1975), he was an Honors Graduate of Hastings Law School (1978), where he served as the Associate Executive Editor for the Law Review. Of counsel to the law firm he founded, Posner and Ferrara, he is now a full time journalist and author.

In the past, he was a freelance writer on investigative issues for several news magazines, and a regular contributor to NBC, the History Channel, CNN, FOX News, CBS, and MSNBC. A former member of the National Advisory Board of the National Writers Union, Posner is also a member of the Authors Guild, PEN, The Committee to Protect Journalists, and Phi Beta Kappa. He lives in Miami Beach with his wife, author, Trisha Posner, who works on all his projects (www.trishaposner.com).

This is abt a 38 minute interview. Posner’s position is to target Purdue Pharma and the Sackler Family and all the profits that they made off of the marketing/selling of Oxycontin and of course … to sell his new book.
He talks about a lot of issues surrounding the fabricated opiate crisis..  he describes the health issue of Hyperalgesia  without ever mentioning the name of  Hyperalgesia.
He at times injects the fact that “some” people actually needs opiates for long term pain – abt 30 days ?
He mentions a couple of Mothers who lost children to overdoses and how they took action after their kids OD.
He blames everyone for failing to control the distribution of opiates  – FDA, Pharmas, Drug Wholesalers, prescribers, Pharmacy/Pharmacists…  I do not remember the first word about the failure of the DEA ?
He didn’t mention the DECADE OF PAIN LAW  https://www.congress.gov/bill/106th-congress/house-bill/2260  where prescribers were encouraged to adequately treat pt’s pain and the Joint Commission made proper pain management – the 5th vital sign – and a MAJOR STANDARD.
There was no mention that addiction was a MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE
Tucker even mentioned having some dental procedure and receiving TWO PRESCRIPTIONS – did not indicate what they where – put stated that he did not take them and FLUSHED THEM.  He also made the statement that he had previously had some surgical procedure and was given Morphine IV and “..didn’t like how it made him feel..”  It would seem obvious that Tucker is opiophobic.

Anyone can get a 7 or 30 day FREE TRIAL of  www.foxnation.com… if anyone really wants to watch this lopsided piece of literature.

3 Responses

  1. This is from Red Lawhern, I pass this letter and Steve’s too every time I can. Passed it to Tucker Carlson….hope anyone reading this will do this too.

    “In a 2018 report titled, Quantifying the Epidemic of Prescription Opioid Overdose Deaths, four senior analysts of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including the head of the Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch, acknowledged for the first time that the number of prescription opioid overdose deaths reported by the CDC in 2016 was erroneous. The error, they said, was caused by miscoding deaths involving illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF) as deaths involving prescribed fentanyl.

    To understand what caused this error, the authors examined the CDC’s methodology for for compiling drug-related mortality data, beginning with the source data obtained from approximately 2.8 million death certificates received each year from state vital statistics registrars. Systemic problems often begin outside the CDC, with a surprisingly high rate of errors and omissions in the source data. Using the CDC’s explanation for what caused the error, the authors show why an international program used by the CDC for reporting mortality is ill-suited for compiling and reporting drug overdose deaths.”


    This paper in a reputable medical journal demonstrates that the so-called “prescription opioid epidemic” is bogus — and that CDC has known it is bogus for years.

    Please disseminate widely.  I will push in my social media networks.  Red Lawhern

  2. Well it’s all in the DOJ’s hands now and there is plenty of money to ‘go around’ to make sure opiates remain hated which includes doctors, pharmaceutical manufacturing and pharmacies.

    This amazing page discusses in detail the innocence of the Sacklers…


  3. I would expect nothing less from fix and tucker Carlson .. lies, lies, lies

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