TX: doctors filed a class action suit against the narcotics bureau for practicing medicine without a license and the doctors won.

I found out today it’s is the MS Bureau of Narcotics that are pressuring the doctors in this state to cut back. In TX they did the same thing and the doctors filed a class action suit against the narcotics bureau for practicing medicine without a license and the doctors won. After Christmas I’m going to attempt to file a criminal charge against the director of MBN. The doctors here are to scared to do it. I’ve also spoken to the DEA. They are trying to shut down the pill mills but they are NOT interfering with doctors prescribing for real causes like my nerve damage. I’m medically retired Law Enforcement. I don’t mind stirring up a stink when they start messing with my quality of life. Check in your state. Most states have similar laws.The MBN does not have a medical doctor on staff.

8 Responses

  1. I wonder how the author of the article feels today about what he said, since the DEA IS TARGETING RESPONSIBLE DOCTOR’S! I would really like to see more about the lawsuit because 2 years later, I’ve never heard anything about it and if they DID win their suit(s), then many others would have also filed – and they haven’t (except for a group of doctor’s falsely arrested in Carmel, IN sued the DEA, DOJ, and mayor and I’m trying to find out how their case is going but they sued for a different reason).

  2. I can’t find anything via Google about this suit. Steve, any chance you have more info?

    • I saw this posted on a Face Book page and no further link

      • Thank you so much for sharing, MSM sure isn’t sharing. Chronic pain patients are being cut off, losing jobs, homes, families, not a word. Pain patients have become the new enemy. People are being brainwashed to believe it can’t happen to them. I read that soon all pain medications will be removed from the market, after they remove anything over 30mg. It’s in the federal register. You can access by going to regulations.gov, type in opioids or I can provide a link.only 6 weeks left to let FDA know how you feel or how the CDC guidelines are affecting you. Also DEA targeint pain doctors. It is a nightmare. Regular people think it won’t affect them. LOL

      • Hi here is the link, PROP requesting FDA to immediately remove pain meds over 30MG https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=FDA-2017-P-5396

  3. SInce the DEA is the one going after MD’s for prescribing TIRF products off label, I am thinking of writing a letter to the DEA office in my state and CC it to my US Rep, If this is true then perhaps I can CC a copy of the complaint in my letter,and get some guidance for my pain mgmt MD,

  4. It is hard to believe that this is just happening now. The blacklisting of Doctors and mandates that interfere with the Doctors’ professional judgment and the Doctor/Patient relationship is tantamount to practicing medicine; these instances should have been litigated years ago. Glad to see a slow turning of the tide back to protection of the professions’ integrity.


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