Unnecessary Use of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Prompts New CDC Warning


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is now warning doctors to prescribe fluoroquinolone antibiotics – a class of drugs that includes Levaquin, Avelox and Cipro – only when “absolutely necessary” because of their potential to cause serious adverse events.

Fluoroquinolones Often Prescribed for Uncomplicated UTIs, Viral Respiratory Conditions

The CDC warning follows the release of data suggesting that the drugs are often used to treat conditions that do not require antibiotic treatment or those with a different recommended first-line therapy,

According to a report published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1.5 million fluoroquinolones were prescribed to adults during ambulatory care visits in 2014. Genitourinary conditions (24.5%) and respiratory conditions (21.6%) accounted for the majority of these prescriptions.

Nearly 20% of fluoroquinolone prescriptions were written for patients with uncomplicated urinary tract infections or viral respiratory infections and bronchitis that don’t require antibiotic treatment. What’s more, fluoroquinolones were the MOST COMMONLY prescribed antibiotic for uncomplicated UTIs (40.3%) and the third most commonly prescribed antibiotic for respiratory conditions.

“Fluoroquinolones’ side effects can involve tendons, muscles, joints, nerves and the central nervous system, or could lead to life-threatening Clostridium difficile infection, which causes diarrhea that can lead to severe colon damage and death,” the CDC said in a statement responding to the report. “Because of these serious side effects, in 2016, the [U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)] issued a warning advising health care providers to not use fluoroquinolones for conditions for which alternative and effective treatment is available and when the potential risks outweigh the benefits.”

Fluoroquinolone Side Effects

The FDA warning followed an agency review that suggested fluoroquinolone antibiotics could cause potentially permanent side effects involving the tendons, muscles, joints, nerves and central nervous system. At the time, the FDA required fluoroquinolone manufacturers to add this information to the Black Box Warning included with the drugs’ prescribing information. A Black Box Warning is the most urgent type of safety notice.

That warning was only the most recent FDA alert to focus on fluoroquinolone antibiotics. In August 2013, the agency ordered the drugs’ manufacturers to modify label information regarding their potential to cause a serious nerve disorder called peripheral neuropathy. While mention of the condition had been added to the prescribing information in 2004, the FDA determined that the labels did not reflect the possible rapid onset of the condition, or the potential for permanence.

In 2008, information regarding the potential for tendon damage – including ruptures and tears of the Achilles tendon – was added to the drugs’ Black Box Label.

Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Lawsuits

Hundreds of people are currently pursuing peripheral neuropathy lawsuits against the manufacturers of Cipro, Levaquin and Avelox. Among other things, plaintiffs accuse the drug companies of downplaying this risk and failing to provide doctors and patients with adequate safety warnings.

Claims have also been filed on behalf of patients who suffered aortic injuries – including  aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection – allegedly associated with the use of Cipro, Avelox and Levaquin.

8 Responses

  1. I’ve been a stay at home Dad now for about a decade because of this poison. Then 6 or 7 times later from 750 mg. Plus steroids and 800 mg of motrin, it nearly killed me and depressingly worry of major health from it killing me added with the many problems that I have from these medicines (Levaquin 750 and Cipro/steroids/Motrin 800, all while my Family watches in horror and worry as well. I drag on a daily basis, even keeping clean and eating healthy. It is a hell on earth and it makes it even more difficult to deal with lifes problems. Also it has permanently affected our social and physical health ad a Family whole. And rejections by Doctors continually is a slap in the face and heart wrenching.

  2. I had no idea that Cipro would steal my health and quality of life. I am permanently disabled at age 55.

  3. I have been sick from fluoroquinolones since the 90s and then they were reintroduced into my body during a surgery at Duke 5 years ago unbeknownst to me along with steroids. This was the EAR SOLUTION. not pills, not IV, but the ear solution that ALL doctors feel are harmless. Well, they are NOT harmless and MUST be Included in the FDAs inserts as harmful as the other forms along with the eye drops. I have been VERY ill since the surgery and I was 62 at that time. I can’t imagine what it’s doing to all the kids who are constantly given the eye and ear drops.

    My dad died 6 years ago after being given Levaquin at the age of 93. He hallucinated badly for 6 weeks and then his aortic aneurysm ruptured. There is a link and research but once again the FDA has debunked it for $$$$.

    People don’t connect the dots that an antibiotic they took perhaps months or years prior to getting weird symptoms is the culprit but it is. Doctors have no clue what to do with us. Test after test shows very little but our bodies and minds are breaking down.

    I was one of the speakers at the FDA meeting in November 2015 and we awed the doctors who quietly listened to our stories most of them in horror.

    This has got to stop.

  4. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are poison. I literally got nerve and tendon damage overnight after taking them for a simple sinus infection. Fast forward 5 years of awful pain and I’m still struggling daily from this class of drugs. People think that the side effects are rare, they are not rare! it can affect ANYONE. It’s not an allergy…it’s a toxicity… an epidemic, if you ask me.. There are millions of us out there suffering with chronic pain. Some people don’t even know why they are suffering. Thank you Pharmacist Steve for helping to spread awareness to Fluoroquinolone Toxicity!

  5. They won’t let you sue for damages. I have been disabled since 2001 and couldn’t even get dissability because the doctor said the Fluroquinolone didn’t damage me. He sent me to a pcychiatrist. 27 doctors and 12 years laster i got diagnosed with severe neuropathy.

  6. The warnings are not enough. The seriousness of the side affects are not heard by the physicians and still downplayed by the pharmaceutical reps, most of whom are the main research source for doctors. Imagine relying on a pharmaceutical reps talking points to sell you on a drug as research!!! This culture of hiding the truth from the patients is killing people. Disabling people. This family of drugs, Fluroquinolones, are now found in our children’s medicine and the damage is unimaginable!!! Eye drops. Ear drops and antibiotics. Even the contraindication for those over the age of 65 is being ignored and crippling our seniors!!!! BLack labels are not enough…..direct contact with doctors is necessary with the strongest warning and consequences I find they don’t listen!!

  7. And what about the “one” pill of an antibiotic given to potential Lyme persons, (just enough to skew an already inconclusive Lyme test). And the antibiotics Not given in sufficient duration for those with the classic target rash, and the Lymerx vaccine which was live and both damaged and killed children before it quietly was discontinued ? Years of cover-ups and unnecessary disability because of “patent” ownership, at the price of countless lives and painful existence. (See Truth Cures website). Cover-up, after Cover-up of information which The World Health Organization stated concerning “SMART” technology regarding the lethal effects of Digital Meters is somehow gone, prior to the 5G-Roll-Out which is being suppressed, but see the January 12th, 2017 report from Poland in the Ecologist. To knowingly and covertly trespass and install these “Dirty” Energy Meters w/o permission, and none of the “elected” representatives does Anything to stop this illegal activity is beyond comprehension. We are “TRANSPARENT”, They are INVISIBLE. Censorship is Alive and Growing in the US and other countries. Has Anyone Wondered Why We Went From Analog To Digital in the first place ? I am sharing this information because I Am in CONSTANT PAIN and Being TERRORIZED EVERY DAY. I Know That If I Don’t Speak My Truth, I Won’t have The Opportunity–To Soon. I have written All Of the Formal letters I Could Over The Past 7 Years W/O receiving ANY Government Response Or Legitimate Concern. Over 10 snail-mail letters have ” DISAPPEARED”, never returned, ( including an 80.00 Money Order, which I had to pay 8.00 to track. My emails disappear as well.

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