APDF’s VP Bob Sherrin a pediatric pain advocate …met today with this pt’s prescriber and her parents and after over six weeks of suffering from 3rd degree burns and painful debridement WITHOUT ANY OPIATES FOR HER PAIN …. she got her first opiate Rx and her first dose today. Up until today, Vanderbilt Hosp had a BLANKET NO OPIATE POLICY for pediatrics.
IMO, the chronic pain community and American Pain & Disability Foundation IS ON THE MOVE
APDF needs both volunteers and donations
Filed under: General Problems
Years ago, I saw 2 different documentaries about children with severe medical conditions, and the comparison of how pain was handled in the US and India doesn’t show our country in a very good light.
In the program that took place in the US, a girl from Ireland was flown to Texas to treat severe facial deformities with several surgeries over a year-long stay. The staff at the hospital told her guardian that they would “teach her how to handle the pain” from the surgery.
In the story shown from India, who needed serious surgery. When her parents took her to a hospital, the doctors reassured her parents that there was very effective treatment for pain and they wouldn’t have to worry about their little girl suffering.
It still makes me angry thinking of what that poor Irish girl had to go through.
Every victory is a step in the right direction!! Thank you Bob & APDF, for helping this child get through a cruel and difficult time. Anyone that thinks this is okay needs to spend a year in our bodies.
This torture has to stop.