Veteran Shoots ER Doctor At West Palm Beach VA

Veteran Shoots ER Doctor At West Palm Beach VA

Reports of a veteran shooter late Wednesday night were confirmed by witnesses as is the FBI investigation into the incident.

A wheelchair-bound double amputee reportedly shot an ER doctor in the neck, a source told local CBS12 News. Early reports suggested two to six individuals were shot in the confrontation, though authorities have yet to confirm that number.

VA director Donna Katen-Bahensky issued the following statement:

An incident has occurred this evening at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center. There is no danger to patients or staff at this time and the area has been secured. We are working with local law enforcement and the investigation remains ongoing.

The doctor is now stable following surgery at St. Mary’s Medical Center.

The Sun Sentinel reported a technician in the restroom saw the shooter loading his weapon. Witnesses say the patient had the weapon hidden within the seat of his wheelchair. The patient opened fire after the tech ran for help.

The patient was arrested and the facility is now operational.

I hope I speak for every veteran reading this article when I say violence against any VA employee is not the answer. Let’s be sure to pray for the ER doctor and the veteran who shot him.

Some pts can withstand only so much untreated pain until they “break” and strike out… Some have committed suicide in a VA parking lot  and others strike out to “share their pain” with those who they believe are the source of them being forced to live in a torturous level of pain, when they know that there is medication that would improve their quality of life.  I don’t know if this is the first, but doubt that it will be the last 

9 Responses

  1. Well the government started this War On Drugs (really a wat on us pain patients !!!) Now their “ enemy “ is fighting back
    How long did they think they could torture people without repercussions ???
    People in pain without any relief will go insane FACT
    SO, these are the consequences of their actions
    ( the governments war on medicine now & the Drs who are following these crazy demands of taking patients off the medicine they need to survive !!! Leaving people is horrific pain for no reason !!! )
    Doctors really need to stand up to the government and stand up for their patients and treat them with proper respect and the medication they need for their constant torturous pain ….
    or this will get worse !!!

  2. Sad but not surprising. I wish the doctor the best and PAIN MEDS for his pain. I guess that’s too much to ask for in today’s battle over pain care. When will we go back to treating people in pain with compassion? NOT TORTURE!

    • On the contrary, I hope that doctor is given only IV tylenol and has to suffer just like his patients do. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I’m sorry for the situation and the shooting, but I’m also sick and tired of abusive doctors who treat patients like garbage. I’ve been treated like garbage, like a second-class citizen, like the drug-seeker I am not.

      • Lauri;
        I admit I’m right with you there. Let him live the sadistic torturous Hell he’s inflicting on others. I sure don’t advocate shooting anyone, but …he really needs to know what he’s doing to patients. It could be a useful learning experience.

  3. This is the part I wanted to share!

  4. When that Dr. in Arizona was shot and killed by the husband who’s wife was denied pain medications. I’m actually surprised it took this long, if this was the reason for this shooting. I wish the best for the Dr. Nobody wants people shot like this. I hope the Man can get care outside of the VA!

  5. I wonder if the doctor will get adequate pain medication to control his/her pain.

    Will the doctor be sent home from the hospital with no medication like so many others have been.

  6. I am completely saddened by this for everyone involved.These docs have to understand by them not standing up for there rights to treat pain patients this devistates doc patients relationship.The doctors hold the power to keep pain patients functionable and partaking in life ..And since the government took away docs power to treat pain patients some doctors at every appointment either dangle that medication over patients head or cut them forceably off.This takes all power away from patients and gives it to docs and government. It’s gotten so bad that as a patient u are terrified to be honest with your doctor about new symptoms or pain cause then doc will hold ur lifeline over your head. This whole thing is insanity.Volience is never the answer but I can empathize when patients are suffering constant pain and being ignored they can’t think clearly.What a devastating situation our government has put pain patients and docs in.Docs need to come together and with their patients and stand up against government involvement in our medical treatments. It seems a lot of docs out of fear are siding with antiopiate agenda instead of real science.

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