My wife is 100% disabled deemed so by the state of Fla. Last week the pharmacist at Walmart refused to fill her Xanax and adderall. Is he in violation of the ADA?
He just said he was uncomfortable filling them
Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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My wife is 100% disabled deemed so by the state of Fla. Last week the pharmacist at Walmart refused to fill her Xanax and adderall. Is he in violation of the ADA?
He just said he was uncomfortable filling them
Filed under: General Problems
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This might help but I doubt it.
If it were the pharmacy refusing you might have a case but an individual is something else. Now if you can demonstrate actual harm i.e. she ended up in the ER, now you have something to work with.
I had a Target pharmacist refuse to fill my pain med script 10 years ago because she “didn’t believe anyone who could walk around needed that much pain meds.” And she did it very loudly, profanely, & with lots of accusations of addiction, in front of many other customers & employees. Target basically said “tough.” when I complained. This is not remotely a new thing; it’s just happening all the time.
The pharmacist should have called the prescriber to discuss their concerns. Part of a pharmacist’s job is to recognize dangerous or inadvisable scripts. We are all human; doctors can make errors. But it is not the pharmacist’s call to refuse to fill based on personal opinions. If a pharmacist says they feel uncomfortable, ask why. If the refusal is based solely on personal bias against a class of drugs, ask for a different pharmacist or take your business elsewhere.
pharmacists have been refusing to fill prescriptions because of religious reasons or just ‘not feeling comfortable’ for years. They’ve been repeatedly backed up by their employers.
Walmart won’t fill any Opioid medication for anyone here . Doesn’t matter who you are
What state are you from?
He or she and their store need to be put on blast. Certainly all over social media, but reach out to local media as well. Burn down their rep. This is damn absurd. This happened to me last year. I gave the pharmacist a minutes worth of my mind then took my families considerable business top an independent pharmacy.
DUMP THE CHAINS & report those who think they are prescribers to the authorities!!