Want to Talk With the FDA? Here’s Your Chance


The National Pain Report has done a number of stories recently that have received numerous comments from people complaining about the federal (and in some cases their state) government. The reaction is that recent policies that have been adopted do not have the patient in mind.

This story, published on April 25, set off a firestorm of commentary from chronic patients and providers.

We’ve been talking with Terri Lewis Ph.D. about trying to create a survey from that story that could capture objective and subjective data from you.

She’s done just that, with the goal of having your input inform the FDA as the agency determines where to place the focus on alternatives and new drug development. They are holding a hearing on July 9.

Take the survey here.

The survey will be live until June 17th to give Dr. Lewis time to tabulate and submit to the FDA by the June 25th deadline.

FDA is challenged with determining how to balance the need to ensure continued access to persons who rely on opioids for continuous pain relief while addressing the ongoing concerns about safe use, abuse and misuse.  Many of you will not be able to attend this so we are taking your voices to Washington DC with us.  You can register to attend or view this hearing.

For Lewis, this survey will not only help let the FDA know what chronic pain patients, their loved ones and their providers are experiencing in 2018, but also will help her develop some data about individual states. Her initial focus is on the July 9th hearing.

“This survey is designed to create some patient focused due diligence on chronic pain that our government simply needs to see,” she said.

The National Pain Report is happy to partner in this effort and will share some of the objective results in the coming weeks as people begin to fill out the survey.

3 Responses

  1. I was always a happy person until I became sick, which happened gradually until I became completely disabled by 30 yrs old. The pain has taken everything from me, from my career which i loved so much, which in turn took my dreams of owning a home away, my social life, my wishes of becoming a mother, literally everything. I am 36 yrs old & bedridden most of the time. I can’t even drive myself to my Dr appts a lot of the times because my arms are so bad. When the pain is so severe-when I’m going through a flare up It’s so painful I’m unable to talk or even cry. How could THAT not cause someone, anyone NOT to be depressed? Then to top it off for my Meds to be decreased when they should of been increased as I haven’t had an increase in 7 yrs. that is the icing on the cake right there! Yes pain medication doesn’t take all the pain away, but they are able to make life more bearable & more tolerable & suicidal thoughts to not be constant when used with all my other tools in my toolbox; such as other medications, creams, ice, heat, massages, chiropractor, ultrasound, stretching, meditation, etc…I feel as though I’m worthless in the government’s (FDA, CDC, etc…) eyes. Otherwise, why would they make so much unnecessary EXTRA suffering happen, as though I-we don’t have enough already. I’ve always been quite poor & so my self worth is pretty much non existent. I feel so helpless. I wish my quality of life & my life in general meant more in the governments (FDA, CDC etc…) eyes. I wish they had more compassion for all of us that are suffering so much every single day just to stay alive & get through every second, minute, hr of every single day. I am a person & I do have a name, I just wish I mattered.

  2. You can take me as an EXTREMELY angry pain victim.As a Fla.resident,I ‘d love to kick “P”Rick Scott,our pinhead governor in the nuts for every hr.I have hurt[A LOT!]Why do these morons think it is a sport to us?Nobody asks for cancer.The woman in Montana who took herself out,tragically,is only the beginning of what I see coming.tight control on medicines,more suicides.Pain is an unholy bitch!You can be sure if prick scott gets a hangnail,he’ll be grabbin a bottle of codeine…Fla.and N.Y.are the worst of all.I believe its an effort to lower populace.Viagra and Cialis are now proven to cause melanoma-where’s the uproar about that???Fucking hypocrites.one would think the pharmacuetical companies would help sick and injured people in this so they can stay in business!Or maybe their plan is to begin coffin making?Sign Me Pissed as a swarm of Africanized bees!Lisa Alligood

  3. I just did the survey and on one question, says I have an invalid response. Tried 4 times in different ways to state it. Won’t let be complete survey. Time consuming and I’ll have to retry later I guess.

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