We are now up to 48 million mis-using opiates – up from 1.2 million at the beginning of the year ?


The number of Americans abusing pain pills has skyrocketed. To understand how so many people are getting hooked, we investigated how the pills are finding their way into homes in the first place.

47.7 million Americans have used illicit drugs or misused RX drugs, according to the Centers for Disease Control. So how did these drugs find their way into our culture and into homes nationwide?

It starts with the drug manufacturer.Opioids are made by huge corporations that produce vast amounts of pills.

Their “employees” are in doctor’s waiting rooms, but not as patients. Studies show that pharmaceutical sales reps working for the manufacturer influence the ways doctors prescribe certain medications. This sales approach helped to make these powerful prescription drugs into household names.

The drug distributors, also known as wholesalers, are the “middlemen” in the process. They supply the quantity of drugs in your local pharmacies and hospitals.

These are some of the most profitable companies in the world. Together, AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health and McKesson (“the big three”) bring in hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

These distributors are supposed to keep track of each order they fill and report them to the Drug Enforcement Administration. An investigation found that distributors were failing to report suspicious orders for many controlled substances, including opioids.

As a result, highly addictive opioids flooded pharmacies across the country. The number of pills far outweighing the need.

According to the CDC, in 2015 there were enough prescriptions for every American to be medicated around the clock for three weeks.

This supply chain has led to one nation, overdosed.

Everyone is entitled to their OWN OPINION… but NOT THEIR OWN FACTS…  the first part of this year it was reported that abt 1.2 million serious opiate abusers… then it jumped during the year to 2.1 million now this ATLANTA TV station is stating that there are 48 MILLION.. Of course, there no references as to where this station got its FACTS…

More FAKE NEWS… from one of the MAJOR NETWORKS ?

One Response

  1. At this point, they’re pulling numbers out of their overpaid, useless asses.

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