We only TORTURE the prisoners of the war on drugs ?


30 years. That’s how long Shona Banda could spend in prison for her use of medical marijuana.

She’s about to turn herself in to authorities on Monday, and I’m writing to ask for your help.

Thousands of you signed a petition to support Shona last month after I wrote to you about her terrifying story. Shona lives in Kansas, and uses medical marijuana to treat her Crohn’s disease, a chronic condition that causes her debilitating pain. Medical marijuana is the only treatment that relieves her symptoms.


Her 11-year-old son was forced to sit through a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) propaganda seminar in school, and was told marijuana had no medical benefit. He spoke up. He told the class his mother used marijuana to treat her debilitating condition, and marijuana helped her. The school called the police.

The police held and interrogated Shona’s son at school. Then they searched Shona’s house, seized her medicine, and took her son away.

Now as she fights to regain custody of her son, the state is bearing down on her with five potential felonies — all because she uses medical marijuana.

This is a horrifying case, and a clear example of drug war insanity. Thousands of people legally consume marijuana in neighboring Colorado every day — yet Shona could not only lose her son but spend 30 years locked up behind bars.

We are continuing to fight for the legal protections that Shona and millions of Americans like her need. But as Shona turns herself in to authorities next week, I’m asking you to stand with her.

Please, send a message of solidarity to Shona today. Let her know that she is not alone.

2 Responses

  1. I feel for you ! You should not leave your son nor should you have to go to jail. Perhaps you did have some pot, you were using it responsibily and for a valid medical reasons. Prayers to you.

  2. OMG that’s horrible! That poor woman and her son. This is an outrage and someone some where somehow HAS GOT TO DO SOMETHING to put an end to this kind of injustice. We Americans should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing situations such as this to continue as well as pts being unable to get their pain medications and suffering needlessly. How do the DEA agents, our poiticians. drug suppliers and pharmacists sleep at night knowing the pain and anguish they are causing their fellow human beings??? It is deplorable to say the least. Surely in this great country of ours there’s got to be a solution to these problems that won’t take years to reach. PLEASE…GOD help us all.

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