what can happen when you deal with a nameless/faceless mail order pharmacy ?

An example of why not to use Mail Order Pharmacies…

“Patient’s niece wanted me to help her uncle since he was so confused about his meds. Saw this and nearly fainted.

Those fridge items you see were just sitting on a table by the bed.

Unopened boxes from AMAZON PILLPACK. “They have tried to tell them not to send any more but they keep coming” she says.”

3 Responses

  1. Well what is left when NO ONE will fill your script?Have had to use Optum RX.They used to be a nightmare,but over the past year,someone took the reins and straightened it all out.Great service now.Although it may be neccesary to be on Medicare[?]

  2. If you have a complaint with merchandise sold by 3rd party seller, which is what this is, you should NEVER go directly to the seller to complain. ALWAYS take the problem directly to Amazon!

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