What goes behind the closed door ?


This showed up in my inbox today… according to their website.. they are a 10 yr old organization whose membership seems to be a lot of major players in the healthcare arena  http://pqaalliance.org/membership/organizations.asp  It appears that they are in the middle of a annual convention in Arlington, VA and voting on the following tomorrow…  I have not been able to find out any more on this “endorsement” but.. it seems like another group that is caving to fear of the DEA and having been partaking too much of the DEA’s Kool-Aid and brownies ?

Each PQA member organization will have the opportunity to vote on the endorsement of three new performance measures on May 14th at the PQA Annual Meeting.
The related measures recommended to the PQA membership for endorsement consideration are:
1. Use of Opioids at High Dosage in Persons Without Cancer
2. Use of Opioids from Multiple Providers in Persons Without Cancer
3. Use of Opioids at High Dosage and from Multiple Providers in Persons Without Cancer

Three Performance Measures on Opioids to be Voted on at the PQA 10th Annual Meeting     http://pqaalliance.org/

PQA’s Mission
To improve the quality of medication management and use across healthcare settings with the goal of improving patients’ health through a collaborative process to develop and implement performance measures and recognize examples of exceptional pharmacy quality.
PQA’s Strategic Objectives
Established in 2006, the Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA) is a 501(c)3 designated non-profit alliance with over 100  member organizations.  We are a  multi-stakeholder, consensus-based membership organization that collaboratively promotes appropriate medication use and develops strategies for measuring and reporting performance information related to medications. Click here to read PQA’s Strategic Plan.




2 Responses

  1. I wish I could give credit here but I read somewhere recently and this is a perfect example to go along with their statement of

    “with the goal of improving patients’ health through a collaborative process to develop and implement performance measures and recognize examples of exceptional pharmacy quality.


    Paul Newman in ‘Coolhand Luke’
    “Boss I wish you’d quit being so good to me”
    after Bossman saying its ‘for his own good’, WANT ANOTHER?

    A knock on the bathroom door @ your PM clinic cuz you’ve been just a bit too long in the john giving a UDT?
    Nurse: Just checkin on you HONEY (they’re sweet like that in the south) what scene?

    Whatcha doing Luke?
    Shakin’ the tree boss, shakin’ the tree here….OR what u wanna say….
    (I’ve got autonomic nervous system dysfunction BITCH it takes a minute, wanna watch? or GO READ MY NEUROLOGY CONSULT while you’re waiting)

    Chain gang convicts and disabled patients in pain? What’s the difference? Both troublemakers!

    Now we just need a list of the donors for this organization and from my first guess? Well among the biggest donors to ‘For A Drug Free America’ are corporations like Anheiser Bush and RJ Reynolds so……………………..

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