What Happens When YOU Need Help And Can’t Get It?


This is probably the most important “News Shot” I’ve done to date. Countless millions suffer from chronic pain…. a REAL epidemic! What’s even more appalling is the fact that relief exists for those who are suffering, but the relief is out of reach…. NOT because of a shortage, but because of a phony “War on Drugs” that does nothing but make the rich, richer and the suffering, suffer horribly. The truth is a lonely warrior…. https://www.yahoo.com/news/armed-data… https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/lead… Read more at http://www.TheDailySheeple.com and #WakeTheFlockUp

7 Responses

  1. I’m in the same boat. I’m seventy and have degenerative disk disease and everyday is a struggle. I try to come up with best way of suicide when I just can’t do it anymore.

  2. Love this. I am untreated for just over a year now.

    I have degenerative disk disease…Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus. I live in 24/7 pain. Opioids would allow me to be mobile and spend time with my grandkids and my doggies. The mental and physical abuse I suffered while in pain management led me to quit going. It is so evil to be denied a simple drug for quality of life…or to be forced to endure epidural injections, drug testing..coercion to get a spinal cord stimulator..to be rejected at the pharmacy counter…nope I’m laying on a couch in tortuous pain..I am not a criminal nor an animal and I refuse to be treated like one. On another note my 35 year old daughter has cancer. One month ago she had a breast and some glands removed..it was a painful recovery. She was sent home with zero pain relievers.When will this insanity end? How many will die from untreated pain? I’ve personally known two people who have committed suicide due to untreated pain.Im sure in the future when humans look back they will see genocide…genocide against the sick…the weak…

    • I am so sorry for your pain and suffering. Along with your daughters. I to suffer from Chronic Pain. I have advanced Osteoarthritis in both knees, ankles, upper spine and lower spine. I understand what you are going through. I applaud you and what you said. ” We are not criminals nor are we animals. We are people who would like to enjoy our life and have quality of life. I am sure more people will commit suicide due to unimaginable pain. Pain only those who suffer know about. Let them walk in our shoes, Let them forfeit that walk on the beach. For us to say to them, ‘ Here take Advil, and deal with the pain, oh and by the way its 1 pill every 4 to 6 hrs. What you wrote brought me to tears, I hope and pray, someone will help you.

  3. The worst part is the word “epidemic” allowed the government to pull money out of Medicare/Medicaid to pay for their assault against pain patients.

  4. I will be on this list one day. While I have a doctor who will write me prescriptions to deal with my degenerative discs and the crushing scar tissue encircling my spine, pharmacists won’t fill them. I get everything from disgust to laughed at. I think to myself, I would do anything to end this pain. Then I think about my daughter and my dogs. But one day I will hurt too much. The shame of begging for someone to help me will overwhelm me.

  5. Canarensis, I did it for you. This video is the absolute truth!

  6. If I were a Twitter, i’d be retweeting the hell outta that one.

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