Filed under: General Problems
What if we talked about physical health the absurd way we talk about mental health?
Posted on June 3, 2019 by Pharmaciststeve
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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There Needs To Be Multiple Analysis Of Every-Person Running For A Position Of Power & Influence. The “SYSTEM” Being Splintered As It Is, And The US Constitution, Human & Civil Rights Destroyed Beyond Recognition, We Need To Come Together, (somehow, someway, to take back All Of the reasons as to why they HAD to be put in place.) I Truly Believe we can do this much, at minimum. We are running out of time. What has been ” Allowed” to occur since 911 is Beyond Barbaric. No Human is Rich-Enough to be Saved from this Fast-Tracked Reality. What Questions Need To Be Explained, before it’s too late ? Becoming Sick via Accident or Disease, including Infectious Disease, (which is currently pandemic). Please Wake-Up. I Believe With My Whole Heart That -What many may consider “Mental Health” Issues, are one reflection of the endless powerlessness Exerted On Us Year After Year, With All Of The Groomed Puppet Candidates, (ones not chosen by We The People). We’ve become too Brainwashed, Trusting, and Polluted From Too Much Toxins Allowed To Downpour on us in our environment. Now is the time. In God’s Name, When Will The Pharmacists, Doctors, and others who knew-But we’re under some ACA/Obamacare….. Finally Admit, (off the record), that they knew many of us would be receiving Nonstandardized, Inauthentic, And Misrepresented Prescription Medications For Chronic Illnesses. I Know That Many Know but are too Afraid to Tell The Truth. I am more Disabled than ever. What Obama, Insurance cos, and Big Pharma has/is doing, and without the essential Whistleblowers is no different than participating in a Genocide-Holcaust…doing No One, their friends and family included An Essential Intervention which can stop this Torture, premature death and incalculable Suffering. Speak Out NOW !!!
“Well if they aren’t helping your pain (my fallen off fentanyl patches) then they are not working and you are an invalid.”