what is the war on drugs good for ??… ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !

Tonight I watch Bernie Sanders standing along side Hillary Clinton claiming that he was going to do his best to make sure that all American has what they need.  I am not sure that the bureaucrats in our Federal system can adequately determine what each of us needs.. I am concerned that they are incapable of make the distinction between needs and wants.

If we all need national health insurance, does that mean that everyone that suffers from recognized chronic disease states will get treatment ?  Including those who have various mental health disease issues and those that suffers from chronic pain ?

The above sound track was released in 1969, in the middle of the Vietnam war… another dozens of years at war… losing some  50 +K young soldiers.. in a war that we never won and just pulled out in the early 70’s. Much like what we have been doing for the past decade in the Middle East.

Barb and I were “raised” in the 50’s & 60’s .. actually the “sixties” was our teenage years.. I turned 13.. June of 1960,, and Barb turned 13 Jan 1962.. couldn’t have nailed that any better .. if we had planned it…

Looking at what is now considered what many – including the government – considers a “basic standard of living”… we were both “dirt poor” during our childhoods.

It has been stated that our “rules of engagement” in the middle east is so narrowly defined that our Air Force fly sorties and the planes return without dropping the first bomb because the people that we are “at war” with.. hide behind innocent women and children…  and we can’t take the risk of harming innocent civilians in order to kill the “bad guys”

Remember the last war that we have actually won was in 1945 (World War II) and it took TWO ATOM BOMBS.. SEVENTY YEARS of fighting wars both territorial and socially … the most powerful nation in the world and the only thing that we can do is DECLARE WAR … fight a war… and end up walking away…

It doesn’t seem to matter if we are fighting a war on civil rights, drugs, poverty, education (head start & no child left behind). we just continue to “keep on fighting” and never assessing if there is any progress to a goal… or if we even have a endpoint ?

Who believes that if/when we get national health insurance, all those with chronic diseases will be able to get appropriate therapy or will their continue to be rationing and/or denial of care to certain groups or certain disease conditions ?

Why is seemingly the only choice in politicians is “doves” or “hawks”.. isn’t there a politician that will build our military into such a formidable force.. that everyone else clearly understands …. “you pick on us.. we will KICK YOUR ASS.. and we won’t screw around doing it “


3 Responses

  1. President Eisenhower said it best in his speech about the American military industrial complex and if we did not keep them in check they would take over and control this whole country. Just like for-profit penal systems I believe it’s a sad State of Affairs when anyone profits off Wars or human misery like the drug wars it pretty much gives them the incentive to keep on going forever when the profits are coming in ?

  2. Amen ,”chippy,”,,,it thoroughly disgust’s me,,that they send our your women and men to DIE for our country,and it aint even ,”our” country anymore,,,,..Also god forbid they get injured,,our government literally is telling all our veterns,,u got injured defending our coutry,,,TOUGH,” deal w/your blown off legs,arms etc by yourselves,,,we aren’t giving u any medicine to aid in lessing your physical suffering from your medical conditons,,,it sickening the way our government has willfully choosen to abuse our veterens!!!!!!!!!!MARYW

  3. The US Military machine already has the size and technology to kick the shit out of any aggressor. The problem isn’t power, it’s politics. Too many Chiefs deciding how to fight. Then we have the bleeding heart representatives who think about possibility of innocent casualties so they stop absolute action. What about the intelligence community, what a joke there? Our government isn’t in all these wars to win anymore, they are in them to fund raise for research and development of bigger and better war machines! If the federal government actually wanted these wars over, all they would have to do is send in the kind of forces that we used in WWII. It just goes to show just how corrupt the entire federal government is .

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