What part of our corrupt Washington DC system are we have trouble understanding ?
When does “extremely careless ” crosses the line into intentional deceitful behavior ?

Filed under: General Problems
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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Filed under: General Problems
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The Clintons have a long trail of corruption and scandals all the way back to their time in Arkansas. The only thing that has changed: as their power has increased, so has the scope and the level of corruption they engage in routinely. Quite frankly, both Hillary and Bill should be sitting in prison right now.
Donald Trump and his business practices could hardly be called ethical. He routinely failed to pay the contractors and other hard-working Americans for work they performed on his projects. And Trump “University” is only the tip of the iceberg. It’s not that hard to become rich when you scam people out of their money. It’s called stealing. One big glaring omission is his failure to release his tax returns just as every other presidential candidate has released their tax returns. As a former CPA, the excuse of not releasing his returns because they are under audit by the IRS is laughable. The IRS already has his returns (obviously) so by making them public, he is not putting himself or his business ventures at any additional risk. The IRS already has the information that he filed. He simply does not want his returns made public. One can only guess what he does not want the American public to know. That is a huge red flag waving in the wind. It amazes me that so called journalists accepted that as a valid answer and continued to move on. Mitt Romney is correct. There is a bombshell in those tax returns. Even more troubling are the recent allegations by 3 different women regarding rape. One very credible allegation was recently filed by a Jane Doe who claims that Donald Trump had sex with her and actually tied her up and raped her when she was 13 years old at his friend’s house…. His name escapes me right now, but he also owns a private island nicknamed Pedophile Island near the US Virgin Islands.
It’s a very sad state of affairs when the two candidates for president are the likes of Clinton and Trump. Are these two the best America has to offer for the most important job in the world?
Even as recently as the 1980s neither one of these candidates would have made it to the debate stage. They would have been advised that they had a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the presidency with the type of baggage each of them has. If they did make it to the debate stage, they would have been booed or laughed right off the stage.
We are a nation in decay. Common decency, ethics, honesty, and morals used to matter. Those qualities have become archaic.
What difference does it make now? The difference is that the people who have a choice to put Ms. Clinton, the presumptive nominee for the DNC’s run, in the White House later this year can see just how caviler and irresponsible she is. She should never be allowed to have that kind of power. Hell, at this point I would not trust her with a burnt out match, little alone the ability to light off a nuclear firestorm that could decimate civilization as we know it. The woman is about power and wielding power unlimited. She sees herself above the rule of law and is corrupted beyond redemption. That’s what difference it all makes at this point.
The statute reads ‘intent or gross negligence” Seems the FBI has rewritten the statute to forget the ‘gross negligence’ part for which he admitted she was guilty.
hate tooo agree w/Trump.,,,,,but he is right,,,this was a bride,,u scratch my back,,ill scratch yours,
”Our” government has become so corrupt,if we are not in thee 2nd revolutionary war in 50 years,,ill be shocked,,,mary