What they say is what they mean ?

New Licensing For Pharmacy Technicians

From the article:

Meanwhile, Sen. Mike Green, R-Mayville, believes licensing of pharmacy technicians will help protect public safety. Pharmacy technicians are assistants to licensed pharmacists

Then you get to the REAL REASON they are proposing this licensing….

“There is a growing trend of reported drug diversion (taking prescription drugs for recreational use), particularly with controlled substance, with the Michigan Board of Pharmacy reporting that 75 percent of the cases of reported drug diversion occurring from pharmacies is by unlicensed individuals,” said Jennifer Kiser, legislative assistant to Sen. Green. “Licensure providers a mechanism for the state to take actions on individuals who have diverted drugs from a pharmacy and prevent them from doing this at another pharmacy.”

In reality.. it has nothing to do with direct patient safety… it has to do with DRUG DIVERSION… besides.. it is another revenue stream for the bureaucrats.. there is probably what… 2-3 techs for every RPH  even with charging a fraction of what RPH’s do for licensing fees.. it is still a chunk of money…

We can all sleep better at night.. knowing that the Michigan BOP.. is focused on patient safety…

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