When a Doctor Forced Me to Taper Off Pain Medication

When a Doctor Forced Me to Taper Off Pain Medication


I was with my pain doctor on the same medication for 20 years when the medications that control my chronic pain were stopped without my consent.

On that day in April 2017, I arrived at my doctors office for a routine follow-up when a doctor I had never seen before walked in. He told me he was brought in just to take everyone off their pain medication within one month. Because I broke into tears and begged for an extra month, he gave me one full prescription and began the forced taper the following month.

My worst pain comes from chronic cluster migraines, a back injury with a rupture at T-10, T-11 and my neck is fused. I also have fibromyalgia, chronic kidney stones and severe facet joint degeneration.

The fourth week of August 2018 I was having one of the worst cluster migraines have ever had, and it was on its 10th day. The T-10, T-11 was really hurting and kidney stones had started to pass. I was in horrific pain and considering suicide.

My contract with a new pain doctor requires me to contact the clinic if there is a problem. My son called the clinic to tell them because of the horrific pain he was taking me to the hospital. He was told he could take me, but under no circumstances could they give me any pain medication. My son called three more times; on the last call they told him we must have the doctor’s permission and he had already gone home.

No human should be forced to live in horrific pain. As a person in constant incurable pain I am one of the millions who were forced into a taper or the pain medication was stopped completely. A family pet would be shown mercy and never be forced to live in pain.

I live in unbearable pain 24/7. I’m one of the many people in pain whose doctors have abandoned us and ignored our pleas for help. Many pharmacists profile us based on their perception of our appearance. Some will not even fill prescriptions from cancer patients.

I have disability benefits awarded by my government for intractable pain, yet I suffer discrimination and cannot get treatment for that pain. Until our government admits the epidemic is about street drugs like fentanyl and heroin and stops persecuting people in pain, there will be more and more deaths by overdose from street drugs and more pain patients suffering.

Where do we go from here?

5 Responses

  1. I have several of the conditions the writer has…& suddenly my doc announced that opioids are the CAUSE of the conditions. Evidently my body knew decades before I started taking opioids that I was GOING to take them, because the pain conditions predated the opioids by years to decades (depending on the condition). When I pointed out this to my doctor, he sorta gave me a blank look & then just repeated the statement that the pain meds caused them. How in the world does anyone sane respond to such a down-the-rabbit-hole situation?

    • My doctor said the same thing to me. Opioids caused my disc to degenerate. I told him at this time of my life if I my back is messed up now I’m stuck with pain so it doesnt really matter. Hre still cut me off of them.
      Now my question is the doctor liable for prescribing a person meds for 25 years?

  2. this story sounds like my own,word for word….I am at the point where I’m ready to begin dispensing pain to the politicians!!take that any way you want

  3. I’m sorry to see people suffer so bad like myself. Over 10 bulging disc, 3 fused in back, 2 in neck and to many other problems. I suffer 24/7 and no politicians will listen. I keep writing cause none will actually let me talk to them, not even on the phone. I pray God will intervene. I agree how could someone allow a human person suffer. It’s not like the doctor can say you are faking your pain after looking at your MRI’s and medical. Then everyone else treats you as if it is our fault and we are nothing but scum. All I can do now is pray and ask God for relief. I assure you these non-sympathetic doctors, staff, politicians and any others will have to answer to God when that day comes.

  4. I’m truly sorry for your story and feel your emotional pain there’s no way I could imagine what you are going through! I wish you god speed and a better doctor! You deserve it! These doctor are chickens and all about money.

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