When one “medical deity” thinks they can OVER-RIDE the other “medical deities” ?

I have a couple of questions.  1.  Have you heard of a pain management doctor taking away xanax that he never prescribed or has anything to do with?  Nor does he even know why I’m taking it?  He took away my Tizanidine last month, now it’s my xanax.  I have been on them for over 20 years for the things that gave me PTSD, OCD, panic attack, nightmares, anxiety….the list goes on.  Who is he to tell me to stop taking them?  Can you direct me somewhere in hopes I can get this turned around?

  1. Remember those 2 guys that sued?  I can’t remember the website or group it was in.  Do you still remember the article?  I really want to start this once all my puppies have gone to their new homes.  


Thanks Steve!


I have heard of some docs insisting that a pt stop taking medication being prescribed by other prescribers the pt is seeing and they are being prescribed certain medications.

Your pain doc may have come to that conclusion from the Beer’s medication list  http://www.pharmacist.com/node/84786

this is just one link… Beer’s list medications that could POSSIBLY cause serious side effects in the elderly…  IMO, according to Beer’s most people over 50 should not take a whole list of classes of medications… also IMO.. by and large it is a bunch of BS

Could have also come to the conclusion from the “medical geniuses “ at the DEA that have publicly stated that they see no valid medical need for a pt taking a opiate, muscle relaxant, benzo together..  They have come to this medical conclusion because many substance abusers  prefer that combination to be taken together and in “high doses” to get high.. on the street it is referred to as “the Trinity”.. if the substance abuser is lucky enough to get their hands on Oxycodone, Xanax, Soma… it is referred to has “The Holy Trinity”.

Much/most/all of what the DEA is stating as “bad” for pts with medical conditions is based on what they see on the street and what substance abusers are taking/doing..  What substance abusers are doing on the street should have nothing to do with what is prescribed to pts with valid medical needs


One Response

  1. Hear hear!!! very well stated Steve. What’s happening on the streets should NOT effect us chronic illness patients.

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